Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
Join Crossdresser Heaven today to participate in the forums.
Dressing gives me ultimate physical relaxation and peace of mind.
I am married and just coming to full terms with the extent of my need to CD. I was made to feel ashamed for it at a young age by my sister and brother who caught me and my dad who dragged me to therapy. From now on, I am embracing my feminine side, accepting, and loving this woman inside of me.
I need an outlet, friendship, girltalk, and affirmation. I can be there for anyone else who needs those things too.
Kisses, Jane
Welcome SweetJane,
I think you will find what you're looking for here at the forum. I had no clue there were so many of us.....
welcome Jane
can talk anytime
Hi Sweetjane. Welcome to CDH. You can certainly express yourself here without Any shame, the girls here are lovely. Have fun with it and be real!💋 look forward to seeing you around
Welcome, Olivia!
You have found a great outlet here at CDH! We are all here to help, listen, encourage and spread love and hugs!
Have fun with your adventure!
SweetJane welcome, This is certainly the place you are looking for , a place of acceptance to you and everyone here. Express yourself in total confinance with many same mined gals experiencing our love for dressing. Meet them them have that girl talk , share each others stories and for some make wonderful friendships. Help is always welcome as many of us here are quite new and just experiencing this confusing world. A Beautiful place to embrace that lady we all feel inside . Very nice meeting . Stephanie....
Sweetjane..........welcome to CDH. Feel free to browse out site and chat with us girls.....we are here for you. My door is always open....do drop by for chat! Look forward to learning more about you....and if I can be of assistance....don't hesitate to drop me a line!
Till then.....
Dame Veronica
Welcome Sweetjane. You're one of sooooo many, as you will notice when you start browsing. Enjoy honey!
Welcome SweetJane. You’ve certainly come to the right place. I feel so relaxed and part of the sisterhood here. Feel free to add me if you like.
CDH is an excellent support venue for you. You will have the opportunity to learn about others' experiences and the ability to share your experiences as well.
Welcome! I saw your post about Ellen Barrett’s routines. I’ll have to look at those if I get past a 30- minute “trudge-onna-treadmill.” You go girl!
Welcome SweetJane and congratulations on embracing her! CDH is a fantastic place to find those friendships and support to help grow and nurture! The amazing stories that you will learn from the articles, forum posts and in chat are full of wisdom, guidance and humor! So stop and say "hi" or ask a question, I am always happy to talk with my sisters here! hugs, Michelle