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Hi my name is Samantha
This is the very first time I have told anyone about my crossdressing out side my wife (and frend).it it's taken so long for me to tell anyone,(yes I am nervous).
Here go's i am 57 year's youg I have been crossdressing since i was 7ish I would go to my sister's room and take her panties and pantyhose, put them on under my pants,i loved the way they felt on my legs, I thought I was (gay) but I like women (confused you bet) now I know it's something that just is.
So I joined this group to learn more about the subject,an a possibly have the courage to go out in public one day
Thank you all for reading this and hope to make new friends.
Thanks Samantha
Hello and welcome Samantha,
I may be out on a limb but I think most of us are now or have been confused about whether we were/are Hetrosexual or not. I absolutely love women and not just because I want to emulate them, lol! I love being around them, the scent of their hair, the softness of their skin, their brea.....well you get the idea😅. So much so that I have had 2 ex wives neither of which knew that I am a crossdresser during our marriage. I did tell my last ex and my current wife before we were married and she didn’t run away screaming. Anyway, welcome to the best place to learn about yourself. The ladies here are the best! There is more knowledge and experiences here than other sites I have belonged too. If you have questions do not hesitate to ask, from makeup to fashion, you will find a vast expanse of Information here or at least where to look. Take a look around and just get to know all of the ladies. TTFN
Welcome, Samantha. I know how you feel. Danielle is right in that many of us here have probably had similar feelings. Please take the time to explore and learn. We are all here to support and educate each other.
MacKenzie Alexandra
Welcome Samantha:
You are not alone and your experience is not unique. Many of us have gone through those same feelings. And you are actually much braver than many of us who have never come out to a spouse or friend. I've never told a living soul about my cross dressing, other than the lovely ladies on this site. But rest assured you have found a great resource with some of the most helpful and accepting people I've ever met. Everybody's journey is unique, but we also have much in common. So don't be too nervous. You are safe here!
Hugs, Elise
Samantha.......Welcome to CDH. Don't be nervous....we are here for you my new sister. All of us here at CDH have gone thru what you are experiencing now. If you really want to understand why you are feeling and desiring to be a Lady....I can help you with that. There are loads of free books on Amazon Kindle and web-site articles as well. Try not to get confused over all the available info....there is a lot of rubbish as well. You have come to the right place....we have lived the subject and we love to share. Look forward to hearing more from you....my door is always open.
Dame Veronica
Thank you all so much for the encouragement. I am looking forward to hearing from you all again! and making friends thanks again I love y'all already!!!!!!
Hi Samantha, I am about your age and have hidden my crossdressing most of my life. With encouragement from beautiful people here, I have been going out dressed in femme, its wonderful and fulfilling. I hope you find that too, we can help eachother as we go, HUGGS, Lacey
Hi! I loooooove pantyhose, too. They're what makes me feel most feminine. So we have that in common, maybe!
Good on you for totally just doing you. Time flies like an arrow, and life's too short to spend not being yourself. See ya around!
Samantha nervousness is certainly part in everyone that first arrives here. With this community of caring and understanding members one will soon find themselves more at ease and then you can start to really enjoy your stay. Meet our ladies who love offering their advice and support to ease those tensions. And going out Oh yes I too am anticipating the moment it's a work in progress but one that I'm hoping I could achieve. Being here and with all the help and support I feel it will happen it's just a matter when. Happy to meet you and enjoy all that this wonderful site has to offer welcome 🌹