Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hello everyone. This is my first time joining or posting anything to an online community like this. Feeling isolated, confused, frustrated, and sad.
Hi Trixie.
Welcome to CDH.
I also entered here full of fears, doubts and uncertainties. At CDH I found many wonderful ladies who gave me support, love, and encouraged me to gain confidence in who I am. We are a big family.
Hi Trixie,
Welcome to CDH. No need to feel sad. You’ve came to a very friendly and terrific place. You’ve embarked on a fun journey and are just getting started. It’s a very safe spot and friendly too.
Hi Trixie nice to meet you as I'm not a Ambassador i still welcome every new girl here like you with a message of caring and joy .. As you found and joined us girls here where there is a wealth of knowledge and experience to learn from so do some reading of the forums and posts from so many ladies here telling there stories about there journeys down there femme road in life.. When you get comfortable with us please join in with a story or two about the life and times of Trixie as she travels down her own girly path in life .. Now as a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. Once again girlfriend bice to meet you and hope to see you around for a chat sometime soon..
Stephanie Bass
Thank you all for your warm welcomes. You have definitely relieved a lot of my anxiety about being able to discuss things. I am going to take your advice and poke around in the forums and learn. Feeling confident that it won't be long before I'm able to open up to you all. Thanks again.
Be patient and persistent. Opening my heart took time, but it has been worth it.
Hi Trixie. I found that it took more courage than I thought I had to join this site, my first foray into any type of social media, a couple of months ago. But I’m very glad I did. As others have said, everyone here is nice and supportive, and the discussions are informative and frequently fun. I hope you find this community as enjoyable as I have. Welcome.
Hi Trixie and welcome! Big hug to a new sister!
I have so much to sort out. My whole life I have been enamored with women/girls clothes. But that little secret was known only to me, and I really expected it to stay that way until I died. But something happened a few years ago, and I'm not really sure why. Up until then if I ever put female clothes on, I would soak up the excitement for a minute or two and then quickly remove the clothes and put them back where I found them. I did not have any clothes of my own, so usually I was wearing something of my wife's or, in my younger days, my sister's. But one day a few years ago i was cleaning out our basement and I came across a pair of pantyhose still in the wrapper that my wife must have forgotten all about because they were in a box of miscellaneous odds and ends. I just had to put them on! I was pretty certain that nobody was going to help me clean up the basement, so I really wasn't afraid of getting caught trying them on, and I wasn't. They felt amazing! After a minute or two I was about to take them back off as was my usual practice, but I really did not want to. So I left them on under my jeans for the rest of the day and it was intoxicating. The next day I wanted to wear them to work. They were a little small because my wife is small and I started wishing I had a bigger pair. Then a little voice inside of me said "so go get your own." That voice was probably Trixie. I did not think I would actually have the courage to do that, but I drove to the local Wal-Mart and it was then that I came to the realization that self checkout machines were probably invented by a cross dresser. IT was so easy! If anybody stared at me while I was picking out my pantyhose, I would just look at my phone and pretend that my wife sent me to pick up some things for her.
Soon after, I found myself buying a couple bras, underwear, high heeled shoes, a couple dresses, jeans, leggings, tops, etc...I started wearing women's underwear to work every single day. And pantyhose! Love that stuff! My wife and I were having other issues that we were working to get sorted out, but we hadn't been intimate for quite a while, so I was not afraid that she would catch me wearing these things. But I did not count on her finding some of my clothes which she did. She confronted me and I knew I had to come clean because I couldn't bear for her to think I was having an affair. So I broke down and told her and she ran to the bathroom and threw up. She just cannot accept it and she believes I betrayed her at the highest level. We have been married for over 25 years but she admitted to me that if I had told her prior to our wedding, then she probably would not have married me. I tried to stop. Threw out all of my things. But it didn't last. Was seeing a therapist and she explained to me that it isn't really something you can just stop. It is a part of who I am. My wife understands this and doesn't believe I can stop. She wants to help me sort these things out. But if we remain married, it will most likely be a marriage of two friends. Staying together to not hurt the children. But not a traditional husband and wife intimate marriage. That is what put me in severe depression. With the help of antidepressants that my psychiatrist put me on, I am no longer as depressed. At least I no longer think about parting ways with this world. But I have absolutely no idea what is in store for me.
Hi Trixie! First of all welcome to CDH and second thank you for saving me so much time that I didn’t have to write my life story. You just did it for me! I have been here a month and it feels like a lifetime! There is nothing like knowing everybody here is warm, compassionate and open about everything. You just need to browse, read, learn, laugh and love!
Hi Trixie!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive as you can see from all the responses you have already received to your introduction.
I hope being here will help you find your way as a cross dresser.
I know being a member of CDH has helped me tremendously in my CD journey.
Again, welcome to CDH!
I made the decision over the weekend to tell my brother and sister about my crossdressing. I didn't have the guts to tell them face to face so I told them in a group text. I didn't want them to feel like I was putting them on the spot. So I thought I would get a more genuine response by doing it that way. I had written that text about half a dozen times in the past, but I never had the nerve to send it. But yesterday I took a deep breath and pressed send. I am very close to my brother and sister so what they think of me is very important. I also wanted to let them know how I felt guilty for not even giving them the chance to help me during my darkest days of depression. They didn't know I was even depressed because I kept the source of my depression a secret from them. Well after I pressed send, I waited for a response from either of them, and for a while no responses came and I started thinking I made a mistake. But then, after 15 minutes I got a response from my sister. This was her response.
I'm not sure how to respond.
I'm sure you feel better getting it off your chest and I'm sorry you have had deal with it alone all your life.
That was all I needed. Empathy and not judgement.
My brother finally responded about 15 minutes after that. I can tell he doesn't get it, but my sister said to give him time. It's a lot to take in. My brother said he would never turn his back on me but he told me to find a new therapist because "that is not who you are. You are not defined by a compulsion"
All in all it did feel really good to get off my chest.
Welcome to CDH Trixie. I recently told my wife and we are trying to figure this out. We have been married 21 years and I just recently told her. I am also seeing a therapist and we are working through this. Like many others I wish I could just purge and be done but I have done that and the thoughts come back (always). I do not purge any more since I told her and it’s kind of like DADT. We’ll keep in touch and remember a lot of us are going through similar situations. You are not alone. - Traci