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Hey everyone. 27 year old that is finally starting my crossdressing experience. I have placed my first order on Victoria Secret and am anxiously awaiting my order. Can’t wait to meet all of you and learning tips and tricks.
Hello and welcome Kellie,
Don’t you just love getting packages in the mail or delivered 😍! Especially when they are for your feminine self! I have a few yet to arrive and I await them anxiously and I am just giddy when they arrive! Welcome to the most wonderful site for ladies who want to know more about themselves and crossdressing. There is sooooo much information and so much life experience here to learn from and you will feel welcome from day 1. Explore and get to know everyone, ask questions, make friends, and have a good time chatting like all girls love to do! TTFN
Howdy Kellie and Welcome to CDH. Feel free to explore our site and chat with any of our sisters....they love to assist with questions and advice. You are lucky to be 27....lots of years of fun and enjoyment are ahead of you. My door is always open....come on in...set yourself down and let's chat.
Dame Veronica (PS.....Dame is a Title in the British Empire...lady version of a male..Sir. I am officially Knighted as a lady.....hence the Dame moniker).
Hello Dame Veronica,
Thank you for your kind words. I would love to learn from you. I want to be a proper lady. We should chat sometime!
Hi Danielle,
I am soooo excited I can’t wait. I am literally checking the tracking number hourly. Would love to chat after my package comes in. !!
Kellie welcome. Happy to have you with us here at Cdh. Meet many of our ladies here receive their advice and many of their tips to help improve your inner feelings to emerge. Yes getting that first delivery. A exciting moment indeed. It only gets better. Enjoy your stay and will be looking to seeing you here 🌹
Thanks. And I am looking forward to chatting with you all!