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Hi all!
I am a cis female married to my amazing CD husband. I am learning more and more and want to ensure I am doing all I can to be supportive, caring and loving of him on his journey.
I am excited to buy all the clothing, underwear and makeup for her (damn sexy seeing on her) and we have had the most amazing time exploring together.
I am looking forward to reading more!
Xx Imogen
Wow, what a fantastic lady you are Imogen. So nice to hear. Your husband is indeed very lucky.
You should find all kinds of great helpful info on this wonderful site. A big welcome from me.
Imogen, the world needs more people like you. Thank you for being so open and supportive to your crossdressing partner in particular and to the crossdressing community in general.
Hi Imogen and welcome!
Like you, my wife is very supportive. I will ask her for her opinions on clothing and shoes. She will even purchase clothing items and make-up for me at Christmas and on my birthday. When I dress en-femme, I always aske for her critique so that I can improve.
It's a blessing that you are there for your husband.
Thanks all!
It has been a long journey, while I knew over 17 years ago about it, it hasn't really been until this year that Amber has come out fully and we have spoken openly about it. I do regret the missed time now, but I think we are both in a better place in our lives together to really enjoy and explore more.
I have found that the more open he has been, the more confidence both of us have felt and I can say that though this I am feeling damn sexy too (so selfish I know).
Looking forward to chatting more
Imogen xx
Imogen,A very BIG thank you is coming your way.THANK YOU for accepting and encouraging your husband in this hobby.You,Imogen,are a wonderful and understanding lady of the first order.Please,have fun and enjoy and if you have questions,ask.Sincerely Michelle Brown.
Hi Imogene,
Welcome to CDH. Feel free to ask any questions you might have. Many here have understanding SO’s but others remain in secret. So those with understanding spouses can share of the experiences.
Hi Imogen nice to meet you and happy you came and joined us girls here to learn more and support your Husband/girlfriend .. Like many here that have supportive wife's myself included as i came out to my wife when we married which was 41 years ago she has known Stephanie and supports her .. Now she knows in my heart there is her husband and girlfriend there both .. She also knows there is two there to her one so we get twice the house chores ha ha .. Have fun here ask many questions of us all we as the women we are we love to chat again nice to meet you and hope to chat sometime soon..
Stephanie Bass
Imogen, So glad that things are going well for both of you, your being supportive of her dressing is awesome, glad that you enjoy it! You sound like the ideal cross dressers wife!
Hi Imogen! Welcome to CDH!
And then there are girls like me whose wife is aware and trying to work through it but right now we have a DADT relationship. Perhaps you will be an inspiration for her! Thanks for reaching out!
Speaking as a person with a supportive partner, it means more to him than you could imagine. I hid this secret away for so many years, even the first 3 years I was dating my wife (even up to the point of getting married without telling her lol). When I finally had the courage to come forward, I was sooooo nervous, but she just listened and asked lots of questions, and then decided she wanted to see this side of me. Knowing that somebody is there to support you through something they may have been hiding for years is a great confidence booster and I'm sure your connection will run even deeper now. Welcome to the site!
Good for you honey. Closets are dark, gloomy and lonely. Welcome Rilee to LGBTQ+ Family and CDH Family. You are loved, Jackie. If you ever want to talk hit me up and we shall. Have a perfect day .