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I am sadly in the process of divorce from my CD husband.

We are ending the relationship not really because he was CD but because I found evidence of infidelity and possible drug use. I'm really sad. We are about to go through an awful custody battle. I did not want it to go to trial.

I'm going to sit down later and write out the whole story because I really need advice but for now I just wanted to make the initial post. Thanks

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I’m very sorry to read about your problems. Sadly, it is not uncommon.

I’m not trying to justify what your spouse did because I don’t know him and don’t have a clue about the circumstances. But for way too many cd/tg individuals the pressure to separate their everyday persona from their “feminine side” may result in having convince themselves that if the feminine side has an affair, it doesn’t count.

Anyway, I hope that your family will be able to overcome the divorce and any court appearances.

Best wishes


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Illustrious Member     Kent, United Kingdom
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Hi hun I'm  a SO i know your your situation is hard there is a group just for significant others where you can talk to other women.

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Erin , I'm am so sorry for all that is happening in your life and  yes as Eleanor has mention get in touch with this group for significant others . There's  a short request time but GG ladies like yourself there to help , listen to you with compassions to your concerns . Support here from others too like myself , just ask , you have friends here ….     " Big hugs.. girl , you need one"           Stephanie..

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Hello Erin, if I can help at all...



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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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Hi Erin. Welcome to CDH.

I regret your circumstances and I wish you to surpass them. I offer you my moral support. Have strenght. I wish I could do something more for you.



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Please take of your self and children first. Sit back and regroup and more will be reveil to you.

Vicke E

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Trusted Member     Houston, TX, United States of America
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I am so sorry to hear of your impending divorce. Marriage is certainly difficult under the best of circumstances add to that the issues of crossdressing and infidelity it can become impossible.  My wife and I have been married 37 years and believe there was a time when I was coming to terms with myself  and we were living in separate cities I became involved with someone.  Even though this went on for an extended period my wife did not give up and with a lot of counseling we were able to save our marriage. I wish the best for you and your children

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
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Best to you Erin.  As the the others have said do take care of yourself.  As long as you are good and whole, everything else will fall into place.


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