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Hi ladies,
Finally decided to join what seems to be a very supportive community. I've cross dressed for as long as I can remember starting with my sisters dressing up clothes when we were very young. This ended when it became more obvious that dresses were not supposed to be for little boys. It was then a case of brief opportunities when I was a teenager to wear my sisters lovely bridesmaid dress when I was home alone but always with the fear at the back of my mind that I would be caught. I pushed it down again for years as I lived in various shared houses and then with a previous girlfriend. Then when I was in my early 30s I met my now wife and after living together for a few months I couldn't suppress my femme side anymore and one night after drinking a lot of wine she could see i was holding something back and desperate to talk, but I couldn't bring myself to reveal my secret. So my wife tried to guess what my dark secret was with me replying no after each guess. When I finally revealed I like to wear women's underwear her response was "is that all!". Over the weeks I revealed more, the fact I want to wear dresses as well plus shoes and eventually in time when my wife was ready hair and make up as well. Fast-forward 16 years and I am still very much in the closet with the rest of the world and want to keep it that way. But I realise I am incredibly lucky to have my supportive wife who is happy for me to dress whenever I want at home (although I dont when kids are home which is tough because they are young). But my wife goes dress shopping with me and treated me to a few days aways last year in a secluded spot so I could be Alice for an extended amount of time.
Depsite not wanting to reveal my femme side to more people I know in my life I would like to have the opportunity to go out to specific venues or weekends away as Alice. But I don't know where to start. I'm not ready to just go out and about in town or to a standard pub/club night. But if there are things like nights specifically for cross dressers or weekends away at hotels then this could be time for Alice to step out! I'm based in Chippenham in the UK.
Sorry for the long intro! It's good to talk 🙂
Alice x
Welcome from a Yorkshire , you are very lucky to have a n understanding wife , my wife is also very supportive if you ever need any tips then there is plenty of helpful girls CDH
Alice -
Welcome to CDH. It is lovely that your wife is so supportive, mine is as well.
@alicewa Welcome! 🙂
It's a big step to make any sort of public acknowledgement of your feminine side - it's new, you don't know what to expect, and you're likely still battling the whole notion internally.
But like most things you get out of it what you put in. I'd suggest taking a stroll through the forums, finding topics that pique your interest and responding if you feel you have something to add or ask.
If/when you feel up to it, dip your toe in the chat and interact with some people and I think you'll find this is not really much different than a site dedicate to golf or billiards - conversations between people of a certain tribe, sharing a common interest.
Again, welcome and congratulations! 🙂
Hi Alice,
Welcome to CDH and as you can see we are a friendly and supportive bunch of ladies.
Your predicament is much the same as many here but at least you have a supportive wife who is offering to give you some extended time.
Having that support is immeasurable and if reading your post correctly, she is prepared to want to go somewhere suggests that she is comfortable being with you and that your look is acceptable to her. If that is the case then there are quite a few options.
Chippenham isn't too far from Bristol and a quick search on the web pages should show up groups or places that you could go. Bristol crossroads and was one I found with a quick tap. There are probably many venues that are friendly too and also advertise.
Of course the other option is to have a weekend away in a hotel and visit a local area away from home, which may seem a daunting prospect but in reality, as a lot of testimonies here will validate, is not as bad as you would think. In general any public space is quite safe and contrary to thought the busier the better. You have Swindon, Bath and National Trust places, if that's of interest like Dyrham Park.
Chat to your wife and think of a plan that suits you both and am sure that there is plenty of support and advice here to help you on your way.
What ever you choose to do overcome those fears and get out there.
Hi Alice, and welcome from N Wales! Like you, I have a supportive SO, and we go out together as girlfriends from time to time.
This is a great community to be a part of!
Joanna 💕
Hi Alice welcome to CDH it's nice to, meet you,
I'm a mature crossdresser I've been dressing most of my life since I was about 8 or 9 years old when I tried my older sisters lingerie on,
I'm a UK girl too I'm in Shropshire, I'm sure there are lots of girls near to where you live who will be happy to meet up with you for a coffee and a chat, there are lots of places and events around where you can meet like minded friends, there is a big meeting at the beginning of August in Leeds if you are able to attend,
Love Roz ❤️
🍒🍒Hi Alice,
Welcome home to CDH ..
Glad to see you hear ..
Hi Alice,
Welcome to CDH. It’s nice to meet you. Fabulous name by the way.
Hi Alice so nice to meet you and happy you found and joined us girls here please don't hold this against me but I'm not from the UK I'm across the pond from you Just a row boat ride across to Montana USA ha ha .. So girl there is a wealth of knowledge and experience here to learn from so do some looking around and reading of the forums and posts from so many ladies here telling there stories about there journeys down the femme road they are on in life.. So as a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. As you get comfortable with us please join in with a story or two about the life and times of Alice as she travels down her own girly path in life.. Now as for making friends here girl there are so many ladies from all over the world to build long lasting friendships with and best of all we are just a simple click away from you .. Like when you feel up to it please return to your profile page and fill in some more please as this is how we get to know you better thanks.. Once again girlfriend so nice to meet you and hope to see you around for a chat sometime soon..
Stephanie Bass
Hi Alice,
Welcome to CDH.
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
Again, welcome to CDH!
Hi Alice, welcome to CDH 🙂