Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Well, i've been a member here for 4 months. Not sure why it took so long to post anything. I could start with my first dressing issue, but honestly i dont remember it. Im not sure when the dressing bug got me. As a matter of fact, i really dont remember much about my childhood at all. Bits and pieces here and there. But i do know i've been dressing on and off now since my 20's. In my 60's now. I have come out to my older brother and four grwon boys. I have not told my wofe. Scared to death to do that. I want to, keep planning on it. But chicken out. She does know im Bisexual though. I think she figured that out and i was forced to tell her.
Actually, i think she knows. When sh forst came over from the UK she found a night gown in my closet. I trird to play it off as a former girlfriend but she insisted it was too big for anyone. So i toild her that i like to wear womens clothes. Nothing else was said. That was 15 yrs ago and im pretty sure she would remember that if the topiuc is broached.
Anyway, ive stalked the site here for a few months and love what i see. Time to join in. Seriously considering upgrading to duchess to get more out of it.
Thank you for reading my ramblings and i hope to get more involved.
My girl name is Kris.
Love it here already
Welcome to CDH Kris glad to have you.
Welcome Kris Hugs Lizzy
Hiya Kris nice seeing you around here in the forums as you have been here for a while girlfriend dont be shy we are all here for you as friends sisters and family members .. Say hello sometime really girl we dont bite well a few girls do be careful ha ha just kidding sis have fun ..
Stephanie Bass
Hi Kris,
Welcome to CDH.
Kris -
Welcome to CDH
Hello Kris,
Welcome to CDH.
Hi Kris!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
Again, welcome to CDH!