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Been a member of crossdresser heaven before and took off for a spell and good to be back. Found this site helpful for me in dealing with cross dressing best I can. If I had my druthers wish I could just say no to cross dressing and be done with it...but it is an issue for me I will be stuck with probably till the day I cure in sight for me. Finding new ways to try and benefit from it rather than feel defeated by it. Good to be back and hope to stick around longer this time.

Jamie Lynn before, and Jasmine Jewel now.

Had a few login issues trying to resurrect Jamie Lynn so opted for Jasmine Jewel in hopes of isolating access issue and work still in progress.


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Hi, Jasmine, and welcome back.

I'm wondering why you feel about crossdressing the way you do. Why would it defeat you? Your reasons are your own, of course, and you don't have to share them...but it does make one wonder.

If I could give you a bit of advice, I'd mention that the reason there's no cure for crossdressing is because there's nothing about crossdressing to cure. It's not a malady! It's no more a condition than, say, having blue eyes, or liking asparagus, or having a favorite chair. It's something that one is, and that one enjoys. It's part of the wider human experience, and there's nothing to cure.

Again -- your experience is your own, and obviously, different. But keep in mind that it doesn't need to be, and that, by crossdressing, you're doing nothing more or less than being yourself.

Best of luck with getting in touch with it!

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Roxy....well said!  There's nothing about cross dressing to cure.  Love it.

Dame Veronica

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Welcome back. I love cross dressing. Therefore I enjoy CDH. Many wish they could be done with it but not me. I enjoy it and have too much fun with it.

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Reputable Member     Ft Lauderdale , Florida, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Welcome back, Jasmine:

So many of us are ashamed and embarrassed of who we are, and we shouldn't have to be. Roxy is completely correct in that respect. But, regrettably, I understand how you feel. Society, in general, is not accepting of our lifestyle, and those of us who are older, were taught to beleive it was bad or crazy behavior.  So I have also wished it would go away.

But here's the important thing to know: It's never going to go away! If anything, the urge will only get stronger the more you try to suppress it. It's like trying to hold back a sneeze. It can only be done for so long.

The good news is, when you feel like there's something wrong with you,  the good ladies at CDH will be here to remind you that you're not alone and that there's nothing wrong with you. This is something the younger generation seems to accept, so hopefully our children and grandchildren won't have to feel this way.

I wish you peace and happiness.

Hugs, Elise

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Eminent Member     Lake Ridge, Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

My dear Jasmine,

I feel that my own addiction to crossdressing is not a problem for me, but mostly others who do not understand the attraction and the satisfaction it brings to me.  I started very early in life, at the behest of 3 of my 17 aunts who initiated me into this fascinating world.  A problem? NO, not a problem...but a pleasure...the pleasure of dressing up as who I really am inside, the person who I should have been born as.  I have been married twice (both deceased) but only the second lady understood what I meant when I told her what I felt when I was dressed as who I needed to be.  Few (but some) actually do...and yet there are those of us here who do understand and relish that feeling...despite the criticism of less than understanding folks of all genders.  Its something with us, something, we feel, something we need...something  we MUST do...something which makes us who we really are inside.   So do not regret that feeling, that need, that desire to be who you are...its NOT a shame, a problem, or a depravity...its a NATURAL NEED for those of us who do this, who need this, a need to feel somewhat close to who we are.  Be glad you feel this way, that you need this in your own makeup and when you dress I hope you begin to understand why you MUST do took me a while too...sighs.

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Jasmine  great having you back .nas been mentioned from our ladies .  A feeling of   crossdressing no matter how much you try to deny theses urges it always seams to surface again. Our thoughts say not but deep inside our conscience is caving just accepted it.  As we get older the desires just keep wanted us to enjoy what seams right. For me I've accepted my dressing and with many here who  do enjoy  this its a experience that just won't go away. Welcome home and hope to see you here 🌹

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Hello and welcome back Jasmine,

Well said Roxy and absolutely correct. Our proclivity to dress in female clothing and  undergarments is not something which can be cured. The medical profession recognized  gender dysphoria is not a disease to be cured. Unlike Cancer or a Heart defect crossdressing is not a disease rather it is a part of our psyche. A part of us as a whole person. I like your spirit girl you will conquer your fears and self doubt. I am sure you will begin to nurture your feminine self with the help and advice from the ladies here at CDH. A wealth of knowledge and experiences from all of the ladies here will help you as much as you wish or as little as you wish. It is a journey not a destination and should be enjoyed as you walk your own path of discovery. Be well and feel safe here because you will find only acceptance and love from your new sisters. TTFN💋👠



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