Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hello! I am new here and to cross dressing. Looking to make friends and get help becoming more female
Hi Angel! Chat anytime my dear and welcome to the girls club!
Welcome Angel and welcome to CDH. You will meet a lot of nice girls here who will be totally supportive. 👠 Michelle
Welcome from someone in Toronto!
Hi Angel,
Welcome, you will find a lot of friendly people here, I am happy to chat anytime.
Jessica x.
Welcome to CDH Angel..
im from Montreal..
Angel, happy you found us. Browse our site and start enjoying all that we are about. The ladies here are wonderful and love to talk and offer help and advice if needed and always here just to listen if one wishes. In time make lasting friendships and know we’re always here to share each other’s experiences in our love for dressing. Very nice meeting and another gurl from Canada , hi I'm from Ontario. love to chat anytime.
Stephanie 🌹
welcome Angel from an Oshawa sister and member of Xpressions(Toronto support group)
Welcome Angel!
HI Angel from Australia
Welcome, I'm in Southwestern Ontario. Glad you're here!
Welcome Angel. You will make a lot of friends and get great advice on your feminine journey.
Hello and welcome Angel!