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New CD from Tasmania, Australia

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Hello everyone, my name is michelledawson and I am 74 years old (young!).

Have been x-dressing since an early age, mostly in the closet until about 50 years old, then out in public occasionally (but not that successful due to looking like a man wearing a dress!).

However, since about 2008 have had more success due to better wig style and make-up skills.

Am married to a lovely lady who has known about my x-dressing for many years but has never really approved of it. She tolerates my dressing as long as she doesn't have to see me dressed, and of course wouldn't be seen dead with me in public (can't say I blame her for that).

I thought that as I aged then the desire to dress would diminish, but that hasn't happened yet.

Unfortunately, there don't appear to be many fellow x-dressers in the city in which I live (population about 100 000) and have only met one other who was in the process of fully transgendering and once she completed the surgical side of it, disappeared off the scene.

The thing I really miss is being able to socialise with other CD's (drinks, meals, dancing etc), but I do have a good circle of real ladies who are very tolerant and friendly, and I have been invited (and attended) several Ladies Luncheons which have been a lot of fun (especially after quite a few glasses of bubbles!).

I look forward to keeping in touch with members of CDH.

Love to all from michelledawson xx

9 Replies
Posts: 619
Honorable Member     South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Michelle

Welcome to CDH.  I am bit too far away from you in the UK to socialise but happy to keep in touch.  I am sure you will find friendship here.

Jessica x.

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Joined: 7 years ago

Hello Michelle,

Caty Ryan here from the "big Island". Welcome to CDH and I'm sure you will find quite a few more Aussie girls on here as members. Even some "mature" ones like you and me...

Have a "squiz" at my profile and if you like what you see feel free to get in touch. Like you I have an "er Indoors: who knows about Caty but definitely does not approve!!

I'm in the Ne Suburbs of Melbourne, up near the start of the Ring Rd.

Happy dressing




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Welcome Michelle, by the way I love your name. You will find a lot of like minded girls on CDH to make friends and share with. Hopefully you will also find some girls closer to you to socialize with.

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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Michelle, welcome, your now part of a wonderful place to express yourself to who you would love to be. That lady deep inside and with the company of many caring and understanding gals who can help you with everything from dressing to makeup and all in between. Sorry to hear about your SO reluctance to your dressing . It would be extremely difficult to deal with. But here there's help and most of all support you for who you are. So start enjoying all that we have and in a community that really supports and accepting for everyone. Very nice to meet you and have a wonderful journey ahead.

Stephanie 🌹

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Famed Member     Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Welcome Michelle!

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Thank you Michelle Newman for welcoming me to CDH; I look forward to interacting with lots of members.
Kind regards, michelle74

Posts: 736
Prominent Member     Newport, Victoria, Australia
Joined: 9 years ago

Hi Michelle, Welcome from Melbourne, Love Tassie looking forward to getting to know you


XX Paula

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Hi Michelle,

Thank you for sharing your story. Living in the same city , I too understand the absence of x-dressers in this city. The lack of anywhere to go to socialise and the need to pick where and when you go dressed femme.

If you hear of anywhere, I would appreciate knowing.




Posts: 594
Honorable Member     Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

A warm welcome to CDH Michelle.Enjoy all this great site has to offer.I hope you make many friends here.


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