Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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hello everyone i am a new cross dresser trying to come out thought i would start here
Hello Cindi !
Welcome to CDH !
The perfect place for a new cross dresser to meet like minded people. We are all here to support each other, provide advice and tips, and to enjoy ourselves and each other's company.
Read some forums and articles, say hello in the chatroom if you want. Read some profiles and send friend requests to those who seem to fit well with you. Don't be shy, we are a friendly bunch. Feel free to participate as you wish.
Hi Cindi
It is lovely to meet you, CDH is a wonderful place to make new friends and get support and advice. I look forward to seeing you around the site and I hope you find what you are looking for.
Jessica x
yes like Autumn said this is the right place to come to and meet others. have a look around the site. get to know people find new friends to add and chat. there is groups to join, forums to look at, articles to read. enjoy and don't be shy. enjoy your fem side as much as you can. life is too short not too. just like the army saying be all you can be! but i added this part and dress up. let your fem side out.
Welcome Cindi! Great place to make new friends who are supportive and like you, love to explore their feminine side.
Hi Cindi,
Hope you enjoy the place as much as I do,
Hello Cindi and welcome!
CDH is wonderful and the girls here are delightful. Hope to chat with you soon.
Choose joy!
Nice to hear from you x
Welcome to CDH Cindy.You have picked the best and safest CD site of them all.Have fun and make lots of friends.
Cindi, Being new to cding you’ll find our site to be most comforting . The girls here are wonderful and are so willing to give there advice and help in every way. Talk to some of them share each other’s stories and develop beautiful friendships . support is everywhere and with an acceptance to move forward in this life we have chosen. Very happy meeting you . Welcome. .
Stephanie 🌹
Hhi I'm new to the site how are you
Hello and welcome Cindi! Lots of good stuff here. Have fun checking it out. We were all new at some point, so don’t be afraid to ask questions.
WelcomeCindi, lots of help and support here. Many good sisters to talk to
Hi Cindi
You picked a great place to start, welcome and enjoy looking around and meeting many others.
Hi Cindi, as the other ladies have said, you found the perfect site.
Browse the articles, I found many of them really helpful.
Check out the Personal Cross Dressing stories too - they help you realise just how many people feel similarly to you.
The knowledge of not being alone has helped me turn my life around and get over all sorts of personal issues.
Cross dressing is good for mental health!
Love Laura