Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi all, my name is Brenda and I just came out to someone last night for the first time. I am here seeking a girl friend in my area for friendship and support each other. I live in Colorado but also looking for other friends too. Brenda
Brenda it must have been trying to open up to someone . I only have once also to my wife and that in it self was a emotional time. Needing help to make sense of all this and finding this wonderful place really showed that many more just like me do really exist and joining here gave me opportunities to actually meet with and talk to ladies . Making friends with was something only a short while ago I would never imagine this could be possible. Even reaching out for help and support I thought was unlikely but meeting with and receiving their help and advice really motivated me to explore more and in time feel more confident in expressing my intimate feelings. I hope you experience this for yourself as this place does really care for one another ,just like a true family does . Happy to meet you and enjoy all that this place can offer, Welcome. 🌹
Thanks Stephanie, Your kind words are very appreciated. Brenda
Hi Brenda, please feel very welcome in our midst. Since practically all of us are looking for the same things you are, you have a good chance of finding the girlfriend you crave. I whish you all the best.
Hi Brenda....congratulations on coming out!!! I am no=where near Colorado (Ontario North Country, Canada). However....if you wish to ask questions or just chat.....feel free to contact me....I am here for all my Sisters!
Dame Veronica
Head on over to group chat. Best place to meet people.
Welcome Brenda. Kudos congratulations n hugs to you for coming out. I'm Dawn.
Hi Brenda!
Love a new friend. Where are you located?
Thank you very much for the welcome. I am in Louisville, CO. Where are you located?
I'm in the SF Bay Area.
Hi Brenda,
Welcome to our little piece of heaven- as I like to call CDH.
I know you will be meeting new on-line friends here on this site. So many have much experiences to share, advice to give and stories to tell.
There are Friends, to find, Forums to explore, Chat Rooms to converse in, Groups for like interests, Awesome Articles to read, etc.
Look forward to chatting again,
-Terri Anne
Thank you Terri Anne I have found so many supportive people here. It truly has made my journey to my true self easier already.
Hi and Welcome Brenda, to CDH! I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the support and friendships that you can make here! The articles, forums, groups and chat are all great ways to find both. - hugs, Michelle
Thank you Michelle,
I am very happy that I found CDH.
Welcome Brenda,
This is one group of ladies who have had many similar experiences and adventures in common with you. You are safe here to express yourself and opinions without abuse. This is a website which is run by other crossdressers and Transgender people. They are just like you, and I, but with more experience. So don't hesitate to ask questions and make friends.