Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Heeey everyone,
Im from the netherlands (zeeland). I am 21 years old and would really like to get to know more people like me. Love you all 🙂
Hi Skye,
Welcome to CDH! This is the place to find support and friendship on your journey through the our articles, forums, groups and chat. So come on in read what others are saying and jump on chat and say hello. - Hugs, Michelle
Welcome to CDH
Hi Skye, we're practically neighbours then: Leuven in Vlaams-Brabant 😊
Welcome to CDH. You live in a beautiful part of the Netherlands. CDH is a great, supportive community.
Good luck on your new adventure! I am new to totally embracing the CD world. I do not do it everyday in public (too much work right now.) I am an everyday drab person mostly. You will find a lot of information here, as well as a few friends that will help you along the way. Enjoy yourself new girl from the Netherlands!
Welcome Skye!
Hi Skye the people on this site are fantastic and the site ambassadors to. Really hope you find what your looking for from a pro European u.k. member. Anne
Welcome skye.
Were happy you chose to join our family , and would love to hear your story.
Hi Skye and welcome to our site. Hope you enjoy it and all the girls love to chat about just anything. You are our new sister, so there should be loads for you ta talk to. My door is always open.....do stop by for a chat or advice.
Till then.........
Dame Veronica
- Hello Skye from the Netherlands
- I'm D'JINNI nice to meet you.
Hi Skye.
Welcome to the forum.Hope you have fun on here.I would be glad to chat to you if you so wish.You are welcome to p.m. me.
Hi Skye,
Welcome to CDH. I think you will love this place. So many wonderful people here.
Enjoy all the site has to offer. Especially new friends.
There are great articles to read full of information and experiances by others on this path.
Glad to have yo here, Ask questions anytime you can PM me, [private message].
-Terri Anne
Hi Skye,
Welcome to CDH. We're not that far: I'm from Paris 😉
Hi Anne from Paris, and welcome in our sisterhood! It looks like I'm in between you two, here in Flanders. Nice 😊
Hug, Catarina