Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi everyone, I have a very similar story to many of you here, started dressing around 10 or 11 with my mothers hose and progressed from there. I've never felt trapped inside the wrong body, just love dressing up and enjoy it. I have a wonderfully supportive wife who loves shopping. Hope everyone has a great day! Sara
Welcome aboard Sara, have fun and say hi.
Welcome Sara,
Hello Sara, thanks for joining us here. You background pic is pretty, good makeup job. Having a supportive SO can make a huge difference in this part of life and is on alot of ladies wish lists. Have fun with the friends you'll make here and I'm sure we'll see more of you.
Welcome, Sara! This is a great community. Can't wait to hear more from you!
hi sara, great to hear you have a very supportive wife, that goes a long way to inner peace! I hope you have fun and enjoy everything cdh has to offer you 🙂 .
fiona xxx