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Hi all,
I'm Annabeth a crosdresser from Asian decent but living in Belgium.
I am nearly thirty and happily married.
I have been dressing up since the age of 1O-12 and also exploring my feminine side sexually (alone).
I have been on an off, went 6 years without crossdressing. But about 2 years ago I started to miss Annabeth, feeling incomplete. I talked to my wife about me crossdressing, she was okay with it. But we never got to exploring together.
We lived with my parents, so she thought it would be tricky. We just moved to our own place this month, so hopefully it will change soon.
Hoping to connect with other crossdressers or parters of crossdressing. Hopefully we can share tips on being more feminine and how to deal with crossdressing within our relationships.
AnnaBeth -
Welcome to CDH
Hi Annabeth!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
You said: Hoping to connect with other crossdressers or parters of crossdressing. Hopefully we can share tips on being more feminine and how to deal with crossdressing within our relationships.
I think you will find that and more here at CDH!
Again, welcome to CDH!
Hi AnnaBeth,
Welcome to CDH.
Hi Annabeth Nice to meet you and so happy you found and joined us girls here so explore our wonderful site with lots to read like the forums and posts with maybe a few girls profiles for good measure he he .. We all love to chat girl so don't be shy as we really don't bite well there are a few girls that do so be careful (ha ha ) just kidding girlfriend .. Have fun girl and please do us a small favor and return to your profile page and fill in more please as this is how we get to know you better thanks.. Its so good that your wife is supportive and hope it works out as she gains a girlfriend and some extra girly help around the house Sorry girlfriend had to say it ha ha .. Also mention to your wife we have a group of gg ladies here that have there own place to go to chat and ask questions of other wife's or significant others just for them .. Its For Wife's and Significant others a wonderful group of gg ladies just in case she would be interested and you also for her..
Stephanie Bass