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New un closeted cross.
Been married for 25 years, we got together at 17. I was always too scared to tell her about my childhood fantasies, and love with female clothing. Within the last year I have been able to open up a little at a time. Even recently asked about wearing more then her panties.
I am not looking to become a woman, however experienced the sexiness and sensualness my wife has. I strictly wear her chosen panties at the moment, as this is what she wants. But like previously mentioned I ventured (got the balls) to ask for more and be more open.
I actually sent her a link to an article I found on this website today to help her better understand me. And pointed out that I’m the “sexual aroused” type the article speaks of.
I can only hope I did the right thing..
thanks for reading and allowing me to join, I finally don’t feel so alone and honestly confused.
Hi Victoria, welcome to CDH.
There is a wealth of information here, as you've already discovered. It's good that your wife appears to be receptive to your dressing, and a little extra information may help her to be even more understanding of your reasons.
You are certainly not alone; there are plenty of us here who can vouch for that! Feel free to ask questions. CDH is a mutual support site first and foremost. You are among friends. Make ypurself at home.
Congratulations on taking the next step in your journey - trying to figure out what all of this means to you. It's an important one! 🙂
As Jacqueline notes, there is a lot of information here - dig in!
Welcome to CDH Victoria! You will find lots of support here and many friendly people.
Hi W V,
Welcome to CDH.
W.V. -
Welcome to CDH
Welcome to the forum girl!
Could you please share the exact article? I wasn't aware of any of the mention of the "sexual arousal crossdressing", which is also my case (and would definitely help building bridges with my partner).
Hi WV.
Welcome to CDH. It’s a friendly, understanding and supportive place. You will find useful information and tips. You are not alone. Enjoy our Heaven!
Hi WV!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
Again, welcome to CDH!
Thank you all so much, I have felt so free since opening more to her. At first it was definitely hard as she got mad straight away like expected, but now it’s a totally different feeling. I guess open and free is the best way to discribe it.
Thanks again for such a warm welcoming, Gurls - you all made my day!!
Hi W V,
Welcome to CDH!