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Didn't know the first things i should try or get to have a night out with the girls! Slim legs and didn't know if a corset would bee a good idea and excited about tucking. I'm bisexual but always fantasized being dolled up and want to make a great first impression. Let me know what works and is sexy. 💛
I go out quite often. For me, it is a continuous work in progress. When I go out, I WANT to be one of the girls so what I do is I try to blend in. I don't want anyone saying "hey, there's a guy in a skirt and heels" when they see me. I feels soooooooooooooo much better when a guy says "here, let me get that door for you". I know where I am going and I know how everyone dresses. I know what the GG's will be wearing so I try to dress accordingly. Remember when you do go out that it is not just the clothes, but the hair, makeup, your walk, your voice AND especially your smile. Have fun
Welcome Neil!
I still keep discreet, but my very first interest and only dressing interest is one piece swimsuits. As much as I love seeing women in dresses, lingerie, panty hoses, and heels, I have tried those a few times and they don't hold my interest. I don't even get enjoyment from a bikini. I know I don't look good doing so, but I feel good so that's all that matters to me.
If you are unsure where your comfort lies, you just have to try different things.
Neil, welcome, your now part of a wonderful place to express yourself to who you would love to be. That lady deep inside and with the company of many caring and understanding gals who can help you and offer tips with everything from dressing to makeup and all in between. So start enjoying all that we have and in a community that really supports and accepting for everyone. Very nice to meet you and have a wonderful journey ahead.
Stephanie 🌹