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Hi everyone am Mindie. I'm a closeted crossdresser. My wife isn't supportive, but allows me to dress if I'm away from home. I live in Dubuque Iowa, and I have been looking for a crossdressing group.
Mindie welcome , happy to have you with us. I'm sorry to hear about your wife's acceptance . It certainly would be wonderful to have her support but know that here you do have many wonderful ladies to talk to ,share a story with and best of all make lasting relationships with. We're found everywhere and in time I'm sure you'll find gals close to you. About support groups out your way just ask in a post here in one of our articles and possibly you just might find someone who knows of one. Enjoy your time with us and happy to meet you.
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Mindie! I understand about your wife not being supportive. It is a big adjustment for some people. I have read some articles on this site by people in similar situations, and from a spouse that grew to accept her spouses' desire to CD. It is a journey for them as well. I think it's comforting to share on with the other girls here, and to hear about others in very similar situations. Have fun! XO Jennifer
Hi, Mindie! Welcome.
Hi Mindie....welcome to CDH. I am sure you will find girls here that live near you....if you like...start up your own Iowa Sisters group here. Look forward yo hearing more from you!
Sister Dame Veronica
Hi Mindie. Welcome to CDH.
In life you have to try to take things as they come and try to get the most out of them. You have arrived at a wonderful place. Enjoy your journey.
Cinnamon kisses
Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement.
Welcome Mindie!
Hi Mindie,
Welcome to CDH! There are lots a incredible ladies here to talk with and I am sure you will find some close by. - Michelle
A warm welcome to the site. I am sorry that your wife doesn't let you dress at home.My wife took some years to accept my crossdressing but now she is cool about it.Maybe in time your wife will accept your dressing and allow you to do it at home.Good luck om youf journey.
Welcome Mindie! Like many of the others have stated, give your wife some time. She may come around and see how much dressing means to you. Change doesn't happen over night. In the mean time, make some friends here. Start up some conversations or tell your story/journey. Glad you found this site and welcome again! You are definitely in great company!