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Hi all
Just an introduction and a little bit about myself.
I'm 66 years old, I've been married for 45 years and have two grown up children, I live in the Nottingham area(UK). I have been fascinated by women's clothing all my life, I guess it started early with my older sister dressing me up in her clothes. The fascination with dressing continued through my teens using my sisters and my mothers clothes, I met my wife and was married at 21, two kids by the time I was 25 and very little opportunity for dressing up. I guess the urge to dress again came back in my late 30's, with the kids being at school, my wife at work and me working shifts the opportunities were plentiful and I did dress using my wife's clothes. I carried on like this until I retired, at times resisting the temptation for months only to fall back to it every now and again, the 'urge' just wouldn't go away. When we both retired the opportunity to dress practically ceased until about two years ago she went on holiday with my daughter and left me on my own, well you know the saying ' while the cats away etc.'. When she returned I took a bold step and told her, it probably went better than I could ever have hoped, she was understanding and accepted it although rather reluctantly. I proceeded to buy my own clothes, underwear, breast forms and wig, the only thing I didn't buy was shoes.
All was well for a while but we started to have problems, after a while it came out she was not happy about my crossdressing, so for the sake of our marriage and her sanity I stopped again and got rid of all my stuff, it was then my sanity that started to suffer.
I resisted for about 18months but it was always in my thoughts, recently my wife was away again and I dressed in her clothes again, it just felt right. She has been having counselling for some other issues so I decided to tell her, she said she was ok with it but would rather I did it when she wasn't here. So there we have it I have just started buying things again and I'll have to see where it goes from here. I have never been out dressed up, I think that step is well in the future, I'm not very convincing and I would dread being laughed at, but maybe some day.
Sorry for the length of this post, I just wanted to talk about it.
Welcome Chrissy. You will find a lot of support and friends on CDH. A lot of our stories are very similar to yours, you are not alone.
Hi Chrissy,
Hello and welcome to CDH, I have only been here a short time but have made lots of friends and it is a lovely and supportive place.
I am not too far from you, just over the North Nottinghamshire border, I am happy to chat anytime if you want. Much of what you say rings true for me, and I am sure many others.
Jessica x.
Hello and welcome Chrissy! Very familiar story. Enjoy your journey here and in finding your real self.
Welcome from a fellow UK member. Gilly
Chrissy, were similar in many ways , married young, at 21 too. Two daughter's before I was 25 and livibg the life as a family ma..n.. I had to put our desires away for what it seamed forever but for me it stayed dormant for many many years and after 40 years I opened to my wife and a whole new meaning in our relationship started. Now with caution she slowly accepts me and doesn't mined my dressing but I never dress much in front of her as I'm still embarrassed in ways. In the last 6 months I've been out in public even though I'm don't look overall convincing but one never knows as these times may come when one's confinance begins showing. It takes time and even for me I'm impressed as to how I've improved. Now enjoy browsing through many of our well written forums, read about stories of others learn more on as they journey through their experiences. Many here to meet , talk with and for some develop wonderful friendships. A caring place I hope you enjoy being part of. Very nice meeting you
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Chrissy!
I know what you are going through (have been there myself; see my profile for details); so please don't give up. It took me a long time to get the right wig style, learn appropriate make-up skills, and to dress appropriately for my age (like you I'm a mature CD).
Just keep working at at it and you will get the right look for going out in public.
I wish you all the best with your feminine journey. Kind Regards, from michelle 74Green
Welcome Chrissy
I can relate to your story, although my life has taken a different path, I understand where you are coming from. You will find lots of friends here and plenty of support. Take it slowly and enjoy the journey. PM me if you want to ask me anything!
Hi Michelle
thanks for your kind words, I have discovered that my story could be many persons story since joining this site, it is gratifying to know. Since I posted my introduction I have been to see a professional life coach as my wife and I were having some problems. I told her about my cross dressing, it wasn't easy for me, the only other person who knew was my wife, I have to say the life coach was fantastic and it felt like a huge load had been lifted off my shoulders. Following her advice my wife and I have talked and we have developed a plan which will allow me to explore my feminine side and allow my wife to gradually and hopefully join me on tha journey.
Best wishes
Welcome Chrissy !