Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi! My name is Taylor Fawn and I am a long time cross dresser who recently started transitioning. I’m hoping to meet friends on here to discuss challenges that I am sure to face during my transitioning and advice regarding feminine fashion. Especially shoes, I have a deep love for shoes, it’s going to bankrupt me. 😀
Hi Taylor, welcome!! I joined a few months back and it has turned out to be the best thing I have done for myself. I used to live further down route 2 so I am quite familiar with Annapolis.I am across the Potomac in northern Virginia now.
welcome, I hope you find what you are looking for here.
@taylorfawn Welcome, Taylor! I'm in Howard County. There are a number of regular events in the DC area and more may be popping up in Maryland in 2025.
To stay connected I'd advise joining the Meetup group for D.C. Area Transgender Ladies Socials and Events (DCATS).
- M
Welcome aboard Taylor! There are lots of friendly, helpful ladies on CDH who will be happy to give you advice. You will like it here.
Welcome to CDH nice to meet ya indeed like others have said you joined such a wonderful community here shoes and heels are expensive watch out lol 😆 TC
Hi Taylor,
Welcome to CDH.
Hi Taylor!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
Dressing wise, dresses are my weakness, LOL!
Again, welcome to CDH!
Hi Taylor nice to meet you and so sorry i missed you joining out merry band of girl here to much work in the way of having girly fun he he .. Anyhoo have fun our new sister and family member as you will always be welcomed here so jump in on the forums and tell us a bit more about yourself we have curios minds and really like to know ha ha ..
Stephanie Bass
Welcome to CDH Taylor we're glad to have you.
Alexis Grace xx