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Hi I have been closeted my whole life I have been wearing woman’s socks and panties for yours and added dress tights at times .I do have my work out gear is woman’s tights and sneakers. I wish I could wear knee sock and shorts and clothes like this . I wish I could get my wife to accept and let me be in dresses eat at home and expand it
Welcome Cindy and there are a lot of girls here that share your dilemma. There is plenty of advice and experience here for you to draw from and if you look back through posts or articles to know you are not alone.. Don't be afraid to ask for advice or join in chat and become part of a safe and friendly community.
Hi Cindy.
Welcome to CDH!
Hi Cindy, welcome to CDH.
As Angela says, yours is a set of circumstances which many of us share. So it's good that you've found this site, full of like-minded girls who can offer support and advice. We love to chat; pitch in and have fun!
Sorry about your wife’s lack of acceptance. Many face this troubling ordeal but be asured you have that support and help from everyone here . Relax, get comfortable and enjoy being part of this wonderful community that really does care for all that passes through our doors. Very happy meeting you and welcome.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Cindy, welcome to CDH. You have come to the right place for support and friendship.
Hi Cindy,
Welcome to CDH.
Cindy -
Welcome to CDH
Welcome to CDH, it is a lovely place!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
I work out in woman's workout clothes and it's fun. 🙂
Again, welcome to CDH!