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Hi, I'm Danine. I'm a crossdressing, pansexual, married fem male. I'm here to discover how being more fem, more full time can be achieved and how to incorporate it into my life successfully
I am male presenting but want to be more fem and am unsure how to do this
Hi Danine, welcome!
CDH has girls from all walks of life, in all stages of their journey. I'm certain that the forums or the chat or the articles will hold some information you'll find helpful!
Hey Danine, welcome to CDH. Hope you have fun over the new year discovering ways to achieve your goals.
Hi Danine,
Welcome to CDH.
Hi Danine, welcome to CDH.
You've joined a very friendly and supportive community here, with a great deal of experience to draw on. If you have questions or need advice, don't hesitate to ask!
Take care.
Hi Danine. Welcome to CDH. May you enjoy your stay in the best of places.
Hi Danine. Like you I enjoy my femme time. Certainly not full time but at least once a week I become Kerri. How does your wife feel about you wanting to be more full time?
Hi Danine
Welcome to our wonderful community. You will find the girls here friendly and very supportive. This is a safe place to make friends and get advice on how to become the girl of your dreams. I am glad to meet you. If you get time visit my profile page to learn a little bit more about me. I love chatting with other like mined girls. I hope you enjoy your feminine journey.
Hugs Julie
Thanks for all the welcomes, girls.