Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Ohi! I'm Natalie - I joined a couple of months ago and sort of spaced on actually filling out the profile and introducing myself. So here I am, reporting in from southern New England.
I'm 39 and have been dressing mostly in secret since I was about 13 years old. I guess it's a common origin story: one day I got curious, tried on some of my mom's clothes, and liked it. I'd do it at every opportunity but back then it was just clothes: no makeup, hair, or accessories. I 'permanently borrowed' a few things to take with me when I headed off to college, but really didn't engage with it much through my twenties.
I finally decided to see how far this would go when I was in my early thirties, and started slowly buying all the equipment: shoes, accessories, wigs, pads, more clothes, etc. Somehow I managed to accept that this was a big part of who I am and rather than fight a forever war against it in my own head, I created an account on Reddit just for Natalie and started engaging with people online.
Skip forward a few more years and I've been out shopping presenting female several times, I've been to LGBTQ clubs and bars, I've gone out to events with other CDs, and I told my mom and sister about Natalie. It's been scary and fun and liberating. But I'm an overthinker, and although I've gotten a bit better about that over the last few years there's a part of me that's hard-wired to want to know THE ANSWER. I've thought all the thoughts at one point or another, wondering why I do this and what it makes me. The best answer I've gotten out of all that mental wheel-spinning is that sometimes I present as a woman because I like it and it makes me feel good. Beyond that, I dunno. Trans? Genderfluid? Hobbyist? Deviated prevert? (Shrug)
Anyway. That's my story. I joined this particular site because a few of the people I've hung out with in the real world have recommended it and I'm interested in making some more friends. I've had mixed results with the CD communities on Reddit and Instagram as far as having more than a few conversations with people before they go totally silent.
I think we all see what the "answer is " as to why we dress... I know for me, I have many thoughts..but will never really the why and how it drives me so much
Glad to see you have been embracing it as well as exploring. Good for you!!
You'll find nothing but warmth and support on this site so welcome in. We all wonder why we do what we do, personally, I've found that it's because for a while I can be someone else. It's not that I have a problem with my male self, far from it, but my alter-ego is more confident and takes a prettier look at life that I do.
Anyway, welcome to CDH, I hope you have fun here.
Hey Natalie, what a lovely comprehensive intro. You'll have no problems fitting in here. The girls are all so friendly and supportive and will welcome you with open arms. As to why we do what we do, that's the €64,000 question, but in the end does it matter if we just enjoy our femme side? xx.
Hi Natalie! Thanks for sharing your inspiring story! Welcome to CDH!
Welcome aboard Natalie 🙂 I rather think you're going to like it here, all the girls are very friendly and open and the level of conversation is much greater than what I've read on Reddit and Quora for example. Plus it's a really well-managed site so you can post with confidence and in safety 🙂
Thank you for such a well-written and thoughtful introduction, I look forward to reading more of your thoughts and opinions on the various subjects in the forum threads.
As for the big answer? I wish I knew, then maybe I could help my OH to understand too 😉 But do have all the fun dressing while trying to work it out honey 🙂
Fiona xxx
Well Natalie I like the attitude of not overthinking it. You enjoy it and whatever will be will be.
Welcome aboard and enjoy yourself here.If you find the answer let us know as a few want to know.
Welcome Natalie.
Great intro💕I’m new to CDH too & have been made to feel so welcome. There’s plenty to read & get involved with.
I look forward to seeing you around
joanna x
Hi Natalie,
Welcome to CDH.
Hi Natalie nice to meet you and as you have been here a bit we hope you have been looking around and doing so reading of the forums and posts .. And as a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. Thank you for the nice introduction as this helps us get to know you better..so girlfriend have fun ..
Stephanie Bass
Hi, I used to think what I did was somehow perverted or deviant behavior, that was 30 or more years ago. WE are not deviant in any way, we just like to wear pretty clothes and they just happen to be female clothes, let's face it male clothing are boring and utilitarian. I like to look and feel pretty and flannel shirts and blue jeans are dull. there is nothing wrong with dressing en femme, it's only small minds who think it is, and that's their problem not ours.
Welcome aboard Natalie! I have no idea why I crossdress but I'm very glad that I do.
Hi Natalie!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
As others have said, why do we do what we do, I don't know why I fell in love with crossdressing, but I did and as others have said, it is so much fun.
Again, welcome to CDH!