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Hi. I just joined the site, looks nice and comfy.

Been a citizen of the internet since the mid 90's. Discovering that there were others who had similar histories and interests as I did was mind blowing. Also at about the same time we moved into a new city, where we didn't know anybody and anybody know us... which allowed me to be able to start going out without much worries about being recognized.

My wife is the love of my life. She has gone from some tolerance to total rejection  to my crossdressing more than once. That is where we are at currently.

We have kids, they don't know. We both have been in agreement about that. There are several people who know both sides of me. I had have many times when I have had extended periods of time to be "home alone", and that allowed me to spend several days full time as Gaby for up to a couple weeks at a time.

Anyway, don't know what else to add. Other than while I'm not depressed, I have been feeling sad about things. I'm trying to figure it out if I should resist this side of me, or if I should push for acceptance. But I know that at the end, I can't have it both ways. Which gets be back to hiding things, which will only end up badly when discovered, because if one thing is certain, everything ends up coming out to light.

Oh yeah, I told her before getting married. At least I have that consolation... doesn't make any difference, since at the time we both thought it was a thing in my past only.

See you all around.


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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Gabriela, hi and welcome to CDH!  Here and our sister site TGH are great places to find support through articles, forums and of course chatting with amazing ladies to help you on journey!  Hugs, Michelle




Sorry Gabi, was trying to edit my own post and it somehow skipped to the one above.

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Welcome to CDH.  You have come to the right forum and will find a very supportive network as you explore.  Reach out anytime.

Hugs - Gabi

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Hi Gaby,

You cannot imagine how many girls-at-heart are in your exact situation. You have our deepest sympathy honey. Talk to us and feel releived.

Love, Catarina

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Gabriele welcome , it's difficult at times I totally understand our double personalities one we were born with and a have been  itwith us forever. Then comes that sudden urge to be someone totally different can be confusing. Here you have many here to console with and talk to ,  discuss problems and support each other especially when we're going through disturbing time's. Hope things get better at home as support is so important when it comes from someone close. At least you have us and please don't  be hesitate to ask for anything you may need. Have us to enjoy and have a wonderful time here .

Stephanie 🌹

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I just found this my original introduction in this site. Thank you to all of you who have made me feel welcome.

I’m still catching up with the group dynamics in here. But I believe that I will be able to make some good friends and look forward to it. I know that it takes a lot more to build a friendship than just having a few things in common. And in reality I have very few real friends in my everyday life.  But somehow I’m much more gregarious online. Maybe because here I don’t have to hide such a big part of me.

Anyway, thank you all.



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