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Filled with excitement and trepidation......
I am a 50+ straight married man who has been enjoying wearing panties for over 5 years. My wife is totally supportive with my panty wearing and even encouraged me to start painting my toe nails recently. I do have a desire to do more. Much more. Which we haven't discussed yet. I do own a few bralettes, a couple of skirts, and two pair of nice booties that I really like. The last few items I have only worn in privacy and solitude. I have yet to learn how to do makeup and I am looking forward to doing that. Hopefully with my wife's support. I don't doubt that her support will be given when the time comes to talk about it, I just am not ready yet. (please hold back on the "just talk to her" comments).
I am excited to be here, and scared s-less at the same time if you know what I mean.
so...... Hi everyone
Welcome Autumn!!!!
Hello Autumn and welcome! Sounds like you have a wonderful wife and situation!
chat anytime!
Welcome Autumn!
Autumn, such a pretty name, happy to welcome you here with us. Nothing to be scared of. We all understand your fears but we’re all here for the same reasons . A safe place with many like yourself expressing ourselves to theses feelings of womanhood. Being drawen to this here you can enjoy your time with support and acceptance to move forward in your love for dressing. Having your wife's acceptance is certainly a blessing and one that should never take for granted. Even her support for the simple things as she seams ok with as in panties and her suggestions on nail painting, "oh my" You have a very understanding SO and should feel very lucky. She may be looking for more and waiting to hear from you on what could be next. It's special having this kind of support and treat this as an opportunity to grow as a couple and explore a beautiful new twist in a relationship with total comittment to trust between one another. Happy for you, so don't worry, enjoy this experience and look ahead to what surly could be a wonderful time. Help is everywhere so get comfortable and experience your true calling. Very nice meeting you.
Stephanie 🌹
I'm new to this website too. Read my introduction. Guess I've been at it longer than you, but remember quite well the fear and anxiety.
I too have a supportive female at my side. I think that's important for eventually feeling ok and comfortable. I know full well the DIScomfort of the "closet" experience. (shame an guilt....ugh.)
I do not do the "full-on" cross-dressing thing, except for public get-to-gethers at casinos, hotels, etc.
We may have a few things in common. Good luck with your "journey."
Onward, strpr-
Welcome Autumn. I do not what you mean, but sounds like you have a supportive spouse. You will enjoy the site.
Hello and welcome Autumn! Enjoy exploring all that this site has to offer. Lots of advice, support, and encouragement here.
Thank you all for the warm welcome.
Good afternoon. Yes, I joined this community nervous as well. I found it through Google searches, and noticed that it isn't filled with troublemakers or people that seem totally twisted in the head even to us.