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Hi. I'm Amanda. I've been dressing for over 45 years. I think I've got the hang of it. LOL.
Hi amanda
Welcome to cdh.
Its very rewarding
Sammatha x
Everybody is so nice. Very refreshing!
Welcome Amanda. You will love being a part of CDH, a friendly and supportive community.
Amanda, welcome. With you as a long time dresser I’m sure many here would love to hear some of your stories and experiences. We’re always looking to learn more about this amazing world. Meet with some of our wonderful ladies who would love to chat and with some make lasting friendships. Beautiful place and one I know you’ll enjoy being part of . Very nice meeting you .
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome to cdh enjoy
Welcome, Amanda. Lots of support her and hopefully you can share your knowledge and experience with those of us newer to the feminine life
Welcome to CDH Amanda.It is by far the best and friendliest CDH sites on the net.
Welcome Amanda !
CDH really is a wonderful place. With your experience I am sure you will have plenty to contribute. Judging from your wall you are already participating in forum discussions which is wonderful. You photos are pretty. I love the blouse!
Hi Amanda,
Welcome to CDH,
Hi Amanda
Glad to have you with us.
Welcome Amanda!