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Hello everyone! My name is Sarah. The first time I tried on my mom's pantyhose I was probably around 8 years old. From that moment on I was hooked. I remember being so excited as a kid when my mom would leave for work in the summer because that meant trying on everything I could get my hands on. I just love the way women's panties feel on me. Last night I almost got brave enough to step outside in drag because I actually thought I looked hot, which I very rarely feel that way lol. I really want to meet new friends and hangout and play dress up and who knows what else lol. Thank you all for welcoming me so graciously and I look forward to meeting all new people who share the same passion as I do.
-Sarah Darling
Sarah, welcome. There’s much here for you to discover . Get comfortable and explore all that we have here and meet some wonderful girls just like you enjoying their feminine feelings felt deep inside. Many friends in an environment where all can enjoy our femininity without judgement. A beautiful place one I'm sure you'll enjoy being part of. Happy meeting you and looking forward to seeing you around here.
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome, Sarah. I too, started dressing by borrowing my Mom's things when I was quite young.
This is indeed a lifetime journey, and here you will find lots of information, and acceptance.
Hello and welcome Sarah!!!!💋
hello Sarah, glade to have you here on C.D.H. a safe place to meet others and meet new friends. we all started about the same way. feel free to read my profile. nice to have you aboard. i added you to my friends list. i am from Niagara Falls N.Y.area
Hi Sarah, welcome aboard. I, too, started out by wearing mom's pantyhose. And know the feeling of going out for the first time en femme. This site is wonderful and supportive. Look forward to hearing about your feminine journey.
Hello, Sarah, i didn’t start trying on panties until i was married and tried on a sexy outfit i had bought my wife. Unfortunately our sizes were not the same. Further experiments waited until i met my first Mistress and She put me in panties. Then She changed and i stopped and purged what I had. Now i realize this is part of what i am. This is a wonderful site filled with helpful sisters
Welcome Sarah!
Well done, Sarah. It seems yesterday when my mother caught me holding one of her bras. No words exchanged. Peaceful. I was a little older than you. Now, I live alone, work as one gender during the day and assume my comfort zone after hours. I’ve been at peace keeping this secret knowing that one day I would meet people and share our tales (tails? Oops!). When I come home I choose a color and build my outfit from there? Look forward to sharing.
Hi Sarah Darling, Love the Name!
Your experience is much like mine! So glad you are here with us gals and looking forward to hearing more!
Love and Hugs,
Hello and welcome Sarah! If nothing else, you will find that your story is similar to that of many others here. Sometimes just knowing you’re not alone makes all the difference in the world. Enjoy your journey of discovery!
Welcome to the site! I also started by rooting around in my mother’s underwear drawer when no one was around.