Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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My name is Charlene & this is my first attempt @ contact. Not sure this will actually post. Not a big on-line user am I. So, will keep short. Very VERY hopeful of mastering the dialog path as so excited to engage with others here and finding those sharing my desires in my Charlene persona. thx, SOOOOOO...looking forward to experiences and hopefully longer term friendships
Pkease dont feel alone charlene! I just joined today am and extremely "technogically challenged". Thus i am also kind of feeling way into what the site offers. The warmth with i have been greeted assures me that more savy and exoerienced members will help us.
Jodi Q.
hello and welcome to C.D.H. where us girls are very friendly and under standing. we are here to help in any way we can. you are not alone either. feel free to read my profile
Hey Charlene....newbie lol
Welcome, we're glad to have you with us. It won't take long to figure it out....the tech part anyway. The rest is a journey we all get to enjoy together. Look around, add when it feels right and make friends
Welcome Charlene. You will enjoy CDH, a very friendly and supportive community.
Charlene, welcome. This is a beautiful place for all introducing themselves to this wonderful world. Meet many of our ladies who are always around offering their expertise, their help and always content on hearing from new members and what they bring in telling their stories and experiences. To dress is such an exhilarating experience and so much fun when you can share it with others . Make wonderful friendships and maybe some close to you. Enjoy your time here and know your among friends who really do care about each other and who we are. Hugs
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Charlene !
Welcome to CDH ! The ladies here share their support, advice and tips with each other as well as experiences. Allow me to suggest that you take the time to learn how to navigate the site. That's easier for some than others but keep at it, you will get there eventually and help is everywhere here. Just ask. Read some articles and forums. Read some member profiles to see what kind of information people share to allow people to know them better. Most of all feel free to participate. We’re very friendly here.
Hi Charlene,
I’m new to CDH myself. Joined a few days ago. Wanted to welcome you. Feel free to post on my wall and I’ll try to answer.
Hi Charlene
Greetings and salutations 🙂
Have fun familiarising yourself with the features on the site. Some things will be locked unless you upgrade your membership. It's entirely up to you whether to remain a free member or upgrade. The free membership still lets you read and post messages on the forum and on members wall (their personal page).
I hope you enjoy your time here and meet lots of lovely new friends.
Stacey xxx
Hi Charlene,
Welcome to CDH. I'm fairly new here as well. I have found the ladies here very informative and supportive of all our endeavors. Enjoy your time here.
Welcome Charlene. I am new to CDH and have learned a great deal from the articles and forums. Nice group of Ladies.
Hi Charlene! You found a great place to learn and explore your new found self. There is a great group of ladies here and lots of information too.
Welcome Charlene!