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Hey all,
My name is Cate and I recently revealed to my wife of almost three years that I want to spend more time embracing my femme side. This has been something that I've been wanting to do for a long time, but was so worried what she would think.
Luckily, she has been incredibly supportive (not surprised though, she is pretty amazing). There was an initial shock and some justifiable worries. But after a long discussion, she said she was okay with it and wanted to support me in being who I am. We've continued to have discussions from time to time when one, the other, or both of us have felt overwhelmed, scared, or filled with questions.
She's also been very proactive in helping me. We've gone shopping for the beginning of my new wardrobe together. She helped me shave my legs for the first time. She made me up (the picture in my profile), giving me a tutorial as she went. She even gave me my name, Cate.
She was also the one that found this website, joined it, and suggested I join as well. So, here we both are. She's joined a SO group to chat with other SOs and I've joined to get to know others like me and explore all the possibilities before me with her by my side.
Thanks for reading! Can't wait to get to know you all!
Welcome Cate! How wonderful to have you both here! I am happy to hear that your wife is supportive. It is a lot of fun to have someone in your life that you can walk this path with. My wife too has helped with clothing and teaching me makeup. I like your description of how you continue to communicate when you are feeling "overwhelmed, scared, or filled with questions" So thank you! Looking forward to hearing more of your story! hugs, Michelle
Cate welcome, that is great that the two of you's have come to join us. It's very special to have your wife's support . It makes one's journey so filling when you can share theses experiences with someone close. I too enjoy this as my wife's been so supportive and with out her I'm sure I wouldn't be who I am here. And with all the ladies with their help and advice certainly has also helped in my experiences with my femininity. Wonderful place to explore and meet many of our beautiful gals all here to chat with help and to make wonderful friendships . The best to you and your lovely wife and I hope you both enjoy your time here. Hugs!!
Stephanie 🌹
I don't think there's any better way to do it, then what you just said.
Welcome Cate.
Lisa 🙂
hi cate, how lucky you are! it is great to have a supportive wife, it makes things so much simpler doesn't it. she must be a very loving, amazing person. its lovely to have you both on board. please feel free to browse the site and if you have any questions, just ask! i'm sure we will all be willing to help.
love fiona xxx
Hey, i thought we spelled it Kate 😜❤❤❤
Welcome Cate
I am so happy you and your wife have joined.
It ia so awesome to hear stories like yours.
Thanks for sharing.
I’ll second, very unoriginally, all the welcoming, plus admiration for your SO, but I have to reveal my shallowness and ask: How do you get your hair to work like that? I love it!! Can it go between femme and drab? Dish, gurl, dish!
Hugs, Donna
Thanks everyone for all the lovely welcoming messages! Y'all know how to make a girl feel welcomed.
And Donna, I'm really lucky. My hair naturally curls up like that, so it didn't require much at all. All my SO did was comb it/push it forward and fluff it up with her hands. I usually alternate between that and (when not dressed) just combing it/fluffing it up to the side (looks pretty much the same, just more to the side).
Welcome Cate.It's great that your wife is so supportive.When I confessed to my wife about my feminine side she could not handle it.Two years ago she finally accepted.Since then she buys all my clothes,advises me on what to wear each time I dress and does my mameup.I keep telling her that she is a credit to peoople like us.Indeed your good lady wife is too.
Welcome Cate!
Welcome Cate! So happy your wife is supportive of you!