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(@Anonymous 99388)
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I went by Andrialynn but I had to take a small hiatus. Me and my SO had a disagreement. I wanted to do my toenails and boy did she go off, she said what next. I told her nothing else, no piercings, no fingernails and no changing my gender. She asked why I was on this site and blamed the site for me feeling this way.

I have always been upfront and honest with my SO from the start even before we got married 32 years ago. I just recently accepted my true self with the help of you lovely ladies on this site. Like I said I have kept no secrets from my SO. I love this site it has helped me so much in discovering who I am.

I love who I am now I have embraced my true self and I'm not going to apologize for it. This is the happiest I have ever been and I hope me and my SO can put this behind us. For now we have found common ground, hopefully we can move forward from this.

Alexis Grace

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 Regardless of who blames who or what. You'll found your happy state!

 Be upfront and honest are very desirable traits. Your SO can accept your true self. She must remember that you just have.

 I hope you can find mutual and peacefull grounds to work from. 

 Welcome back to CDH and the Pink Fog!

 Fran 🥰 

(@Anonymous 99388)
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@gafran Thank you Fran

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Your very welcome my dear! 🥰

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@alexisgrace From what I understand, you used to be a member here before. If so, then welcome back to CDH.

Obviously, I may have to make an assumption or two here, so here goes.

Your wife seems to have lost some of her acceptance of your dressing that she initially had. This will not go away easily without good, honest communication from both of you. One big question I would have is what brought on this obvious change in attitude.

You may not be able to talk with her about things if she resists. Would she be interested talking with a relevant therapist? If not a therapist, would she join CDH to access the private sub-forum just for wives?

If she has no interest in anything related to your crossdressing, you will have your hands full.

I wish you well, Alexis! Please keep in touch whatever happens. 

(@Anonymous 99388)
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@harriette Thank you

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Seems unfair to blame the site since since the site can't actively recruit, but she's probably looking for a scapegoat on your behalf.

I hope things will continue in an amicable vein and welcome to CDH, again.


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(@Anonymous 99388)
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@rebeccabaxter Thank you

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I wish you the best Alexis. You're among friends here.


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(@Anonymous 99388)
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@d44 thank you

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Hi Alexis,

Welcome back to CDH.


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(@Anonymous 99388)
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@aliceunderwire Thank you

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Hi Alexis nice to meet you and so happy you found and joined us girls here so get settled in relax and enjoy yourself here.. As a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. Ok girl with so much to see and do here from reading the forums and posts from so many ladies here telling there stories about there journeys down the femme road they are on in life.. When you get comfortable with us please join in with a story or two about the life and times of Alexis as she travels down her own girly path in life..  Now as for making friends here girl there are so many ladies from all over the world to build long lasting friendships with and best of all we are just a simple click away from you ..  Once again girlfriend nice to meet you and hope to see you around for a chat sometime soon ..

Stephanie Bass

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(@Anonymous 99388)
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@fishingr8 Thank you Stephanie, I appreciate it

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You are very welcome girlfriend..


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Alexis -

Welcome back to CDH.

Sorry to hear about what happened, however, it sounds like you've reached some type of agreement.

I've ridden a roller coaster with my wife regarding my dressing. She went from not understanding but tolerant to a point to being supportive in her own way. She will buy things for Suzanne, invite her to spend the day, took her to get her ears pierced (in drab mode), goes for mani-pedi's together (again in drab mode - but Suzanne can get color on her toes). Part of our agreement is that I don't go out of the house dressed, however, there are some exceptions. I have some ankle boots she is okay with me wearing out of the house - her logic is that they look like cowboy boots which is okay with me. I also carry a sling bag with all my stuff (wallet, chap stick, pen, notebook, extra pad, emery board, phone) and she seems to be okay with it.

As has been said by others communication is the key. We talk about things and as time goes on the conversations get easier.


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(@Anonymous 99388)
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@cdsue Thank you Suzanne I have always been upfront and honest with my wife. Over the years I didn't understand why I was this way. I would ask myself why do I do this, why do I feel this way.

But with the help of you lovely ladies I have embraced my true self. I think that is what caught my wife off guard. Things are better between us now, she recently ordered some panties that didn't fit and she asked me if I would like to have them.I gladly accepted. Again thank you very much it means a lot to me the support I get from you lovely ladies on this site.

Alexis xoxo

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@alexisgrace I understand about her being caught off guard. It is wonderful that she has come to accept your dressing. How nice that she offered you the panties she ordered that didn't fit. My wife has done the same as well as offering me some of her clothes that no longer fit her. We've even gone online and ordered matching outfits, we don't wear them often but it is fun when we do - kind of like back in Junior High or High School when girlfriends would wear the same outfit to school. 


(@Anonymous 99388)
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@cdsue Thank you




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