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Novice CD Stephanie

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Active Member     New London, Connecticut, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hello! My name is Stephanie, and I'm a 26 year old novice crossdresser currently in Connecticut. For the past few years I've been on and off as a crossdresser. It was a fun activity for me to practice in private, but always afterwards, I would feel some great shame as if it's something that I shouldn't be doing. I would go for awhile without dressing, but without fail would always get the urge to come back. This led to a cycle off me repeatedly quitting and throwing out clothes and makeup, only to purchase new stuff soon thereafter.

I think a lot of that had to do with me not loving and accepting myself for the person I really am, and feeling bad for expressing that side of myself. I'm glad to say, through a good amount of mental effort, I've been reminding myself that I love who I am and I love how I feel dressed as Stephanie. It truly is a beautiful thing to feel sexy and desirable as a woman. I think this is the start of me making crossdressing a regular thing in my life, and I'm so excited to start this journey.

To help me normalize how I feel and how I want to look, today I've started just walking around my home casually dressed, and just enjoying being girly. I even have an appointment at Ulta for a makeup lesson scheduled later this week! I'm so excited! I hope that someday I'll be able to present myself as Stephanie outside of my home and meet other like-minded women. Through forums like this and my own effort, I truly believe I can achieve that goal. I would love to talk to you girls out there, feel free to send me a message anytime, and I hope you are all doing well and living healthy.

Sorry that got so long.

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Thank you (and it wasn’t to long)! I felt/am feeling the exact same way, albeit T an older age.

Haven’t been on this forum long, but I gather the “boat” you are in has plenty of passengers - girls in waiting, trying to find out to womanhood.

You aren’t alone, dear. Embrace the feeling and stand tall in those heels (or sit with those sexy legs crossed)

Keep in touch. Kisses.



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Noble Member     Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
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Hi Stephanie,

We are glad you are here!

I say most of us have been through the same emotional cycles you have experienced.

You said it when you said you are not loving and accepting the person you are.

Love and respect yourself.

we do

I'm glad you are enjoying you femininity.

You will meet a lot of friends here and they will show you that you are a special person who should be treated just like anybody else.

Love Patty

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Congratulations Stephanie! I have scheduled my first ever makeover in a few weeks. I know you will have a fabulous time and enjoy the pampering and the results. Let us know about your experience.

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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Stephanie, never too long , I enjoyed reading it. "Oh my" 26 , so much to discover. Trying to figure who we are is certainly a taunting task but now you are among friends. We understand how you must be feeling and here is a good place to explore and discover who you are. Many here experience different paths but all have a common goal to transform ourselves to be that lady we feel inside. Meet with them ,talk to and share each others experiences through this wonderful world we have chosen. You have certainly started your journey well.  Picking such a pretty name     (my favorite ) , looking into lessons on makeup that's a big way on moving forward. Improving as we learn and in time wanting fully dress and dare the opportunity to eventually venture out in public. As confinance starts showing things that could never happen suddenly do. I would have never thought of being out. Too closeted  but wow!! It did . I've been out , my first  just 6 months ago. I assure you it's quite the experience. Enjoy your time with us and know your part of a caring community of support and acceptance for all , welcome.. and by the way I do  love your name. ..hehe...

Stephanie 🌹

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Active Member     Cape Cod, Massachusetts, United States of America
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wow a trip to Ultra are you ready for that? I can tell ya it's a great time. i forgot i still had to walk out of there all done up, but I did just fine. When I got home dressed in my favorite cloths and hair  and was complete. Really complete for the first time right down to my sandals awsome.

So enjoy your self and make sure you go.

Let me know how you make out hun.


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Stephanie I am so glad you found CDH and I’m with you on all that said about your feelings and realizing it’s who you are! Embrace it my dear!

I too went to Ulta just a few weeks ago and had a full face makeover and it was a glorious experience, one that pushed me over the edge to realize that I too want to embrace this experience and be who I am!

Let’s chat anytime you like my dear!


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Active Member     New London, Connecticut, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Wow! It's so incredible to hear support from so many beautiful women. I've always found the CD community to be incredibly kind and accepting, and that is just reinforced by all of your replies. Thank you so much, and I'm gonna keep working to be the best woman I can be!

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Yes Gibbie, haha, I had to walk out of there too! Lol I planned it by finding a store not too close to my house and when the wife was out of town for a 5 day weekend. Had time to dress and play and lounge around en femme for the whole time! I want to do it again!

I would like to take a class next time and learn about how to apply my makeup!

The staff there were wonderful and supportive and made me feel so good!


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Active Member     Otago, New Zealand
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Wow amazing !!!! Go you !!!! xx

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Active Member     London, Middlesex, United Kingdom
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Great post most of us have similar tales I’m glad your finding acceptance with yourself and you’re amongst friends here

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Honorable Member     Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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Hi Stephanie Welcome to CDH.I am glad you are embracing your feminity.When I was your age I had some enjoyable times dressed as my female alter ego but I also had my fair share of guilt.I was iiving at home with my parents and it was tricky trying to hide my stash of clothes from them. Get to know a lot of people on here.We are truly a great bunch of girls.Have fun girl.

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New Member     Sheffield , South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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I’m with you entirely Stephanie I have done the same for years.

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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

I think many of us experience the same feeling of guilt and shame as we try to "normalize" our dressing

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Noble Member     Ocala, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Hello and welcome! Thanks for sharing your story. As you will find out, it is similar to a lot of others here. The best part about a place like this is, realizing you’re not alone, and there is absolutely no reason to feel guilty about wanting to be who you were created to be! Trust me, most of us here have done the whole purging thing, some many times  over. Once you accept yourself for who you are, the feelings of regret and guilt tend to subside, and eventually go away.

Most of all, enjoy your journey!

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