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Hi Girls.
I'm Sophie a mature crossdresser who is married to a wonderful supportive woman
We visit Florida two or three times a year on vacation.
I am quite confident in venturing out dressed as Sophie but would appreciate any recommendations for places to visit, shopping, eating out etc especially around the Orlando, Davenport locations.
I will look forward to receiving any recommendations and sharing my experiences on the group.
Many thanks and best wishes to everyone x
Hi Sophie,
Welcome to CDH. It’s been many years since my last trip to Orlando but with a huge tourism industry the shopping centers shouldn’t bother you. In Orlando try The Florida Mall. Bargains are fun to seek out so you might want to visit Orkando International Premium Outlets shopping center.The outlet mall has multiple outlet stores so you should find a few shops to browse.
Try the www.visitorlando.com website for more information.
Hi Sophie nice to meet you and so happy you found and joined us girls here so get settled in relax and enjoy yourself here .. As a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. So wish to give you some suggestions on where to go as i was born and raised right there where you are looking for some fun.. I moved away like gosh 16 to 17 years ago to Montana so out of touch with central Florida .. Have fun girlfriend and keep asking and looking for girls in that area go to social tab up top and look for girls in that area good luck and again nice to meet you and hope to see you around for chat sometime soon..
Stephanie Bass
Hi Sophie and welcome in to CDH 🙂 Lovely to meet another UK girl! I remember York (vaguely 😉 ) from my student days in the late '80s, I've scarcely been back again since though, an opportunity to venture in that direction is well overdue. Do you go out dressed in public locally at all? I'm wondering what the prevailing attitude is like, with all the young people from the Uni and colleges around, is it mainly acceptance?
Hi Sophie, and welcome to CDH.
It’s nice to see another UK girl. As Ellie has mentioned, our numbers are swelling.
I’m sure you’ll have a whole list of places to visit from our US based ladies in no time at all.
Hi ]Sophie
Yes it good to see more of us from the uk, its getting really good that we can chat to each other, general gossip does you good
Hi Sophie and welcome front tother side of the Penines. Hope you have great time here chatting to other girls from here and around the globe. Love to chat sometime.