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As a newcomer to the site I noticed a few ladies and a few spouses who have difficulty with SO's and others. One tactic that might be worth trying is watching the Tim Burton movie ED WOOD. It's a comedy based on the life of Ed Wood, an enthusiastic crossdresser (played by Johnny Depp) in the 1950s who is remembered today as a lovable oddball who simply didn't realize that he was the most amateurish director ever to hit Hollywood. The cast includes Bill Murray and Martin Landau (who won an Oscar or his role as Bela Lugosi). People of all ages whom I know like this movie, which includes a touching scene in which Ed is in a car with his girlfriend and awkwardly tries to tell her about his predeliction. When he finally blurts it out, this pretty woman pauses just a beat and asks, You still like women though, right? Ed reassures her. She pauses briefly and replies cheerfully, not exactly in these words, Well, that's OK with me, as if she had told him that it would be OK for him to wear a blue tie instead of a red tie. The movie is available online, as are a few of Ed Wood's hilariously inept movies, including GLEN OR GLENDA, in which Wood plays both roles.