Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi all, so I spent 30 years serving our country as an Infantry Marine/Soldier, led troops in combat, making it to the rank of E-9/CSM when I retired. Have been dressing since I was little, joined the service to try and hide my true self, only to realize, I was at my best as Rebecca. I dressed while deployed as well, (only in my room), it helped me focus and be the best leader for my troops. Looking to make new friends, help those in similar situations, and just be me!
Welcome Lady
Welcome rebecca I also served in the uk forces welcome to the group xxx
thanks girl
Hi Rebecca
Welcome, it is lovely to meet you. I hope you find lots of friends here and I look forward to seeing you around the site.
Jessica x.
I hope to try and communicate with all, and help anyone I can girl.
I also served in uk forces.
Welcome to cdh its a lovely place.
Sammatha xx
What an honest post. You did great things for your country. Be proud of that and of your dressing. I would be proud of that and to call you a friend. Go girl
Thank you for your service! You will enjoy CDH where you will receive a lot of support and make great friends.
[postquote quote=212403][/postquote]
What forces did you serve samantha
Welcome Rebecca
Although I'm Canadian, I thank you, as all front line protectors deserve our gratitude.
Allowing ouselves to be our true whole being releases negative energy, calms, and lets us focus more on lifes other tasks.
Enjoy being with us, sharing, and making friends.
Hi Rebecca!
Lots of military vets, including retired military, here on CDH.
I am retired U.S. Navy, 22 years active duty, Chief Petty Officer. Was a cryptologist
and managed to hide my cross dressing, lest I lose my security clearance.
Are you familiar with Kristen Beck, the retired U.S. Navy SEAL and Senior
Chief Petty Officer? She is transgendered.
Peggy Sue in Atlanta, Georgia
Rebecca I'm honored to meet you and welcome to Cdh.. we'll enjoy having your companyand please be free to browse and interact with the many wonderful girls who reside here. Certainly a place to express one's feelings to many understanding souls all following their paths through this wonderful world. Very nice meeting you and will be looking to see you here soon.
Welcome, Rebecca
Retired MSGT, USAF, here. You'll find us a very friendly group of folks.
I too served in the forces.Hiding my feminine side was always difficult but it would not be denied.For my own well-being I had to dress in secret but it made me happier and able to function better. I hope you find this site helpful. I am 57 and well remember how isolated it felt in the past.