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A weird thing happened this morning. I'm new and I joined earlier but when I came back the system did not recognize my login or email address. As though I was cancelled.
My earlier post can be found here but it now says that user is 'Anonymous'
I re-registered with the same info but I'm not sure if I did something wrong.
Can anyone shed light please?
Hello Allen an welcome !
I'd chalk it up to some sort of computer / server glitch and not necessarily something you did wrong..
Great to have you on board with the rest of us skirts. Ive got one on right now 🙂
Unable to help on this as I also experience strange things happening when using the site
Thank you Lisa...it's my first time coming to a site like this. It's nice.
I posted a pic of me in my kilt earlier and I was worried that I had broken a rule.
Thanks anyway Rachel...hopefully a glitch..