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Hi all my name's matt I live in tasmania australia iv been secretly crossdressing since I was very young and never really opened up to anyone about it from fear of their reaction or others finding out about it but If come to terms with it all and Really don't care what others think about me anymore and iv realised iv been miserable hiding who I really am and decided to find some likeminded friends and hope to find a female partner who is understanding and willing to help me explore it more
Welcome Matt,
Lisa 🙂
There are many women that understand and like their men in women’s clothes . My wife of a couple years was totally supportive from the moment I told her I like wearing women’s clothes . Since then she has encouraged me, taken me thrift store shopping for clothes , given me gifts of things to wear and everyday when we’re home , she’ll ask , what are you wearing today ? Or why don’t you put that one on instead . I decided when first met her to not hide my secret , no matter what , and she jumped on the wagon without hesitation . Don’t be afraid , and when you find her , it’ll be a great experience for you . Good luck
Matt welcome , it certainly is difficult in life when we hold such a secret and in time it starts tearing us inside. Here though enjoy the freedom to express yourself as much as you like in a community of wonderful ladies like yourself . A caring and very supportive place with no judgments and with no guilt. Meet up with our gals, talk to them and in time start making beautiful friendships. I hope you find someone a partner out your way as having a close friend really helps one enjoy being who we love to be . Very nice meeting and hope your stay will be a wonderful one .
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome, Matt, and the best of luck in finding what you seek.
Hi Matt and welcome to CDH. You have come to the right place for like minded girls! Browse our sites, chat with our girls........you will find the special friend...don't give up. By all means....those who don't like what you want...they can lump it. My door is always open....do come in and chat. Till then......
Good luck and hugs.......I am here for you, sweetie.
Dame Veronica
Thanks very much it's really appreciated
Good morning Matt,
I'm up here in Melbourne and as a very much "boiled up old chook" I've been through most of what you have experienced.
There's lots of CD resources here in OZ (and I aint talking about the music section in JB Hi Fi), you just have to take the time to find them. EG I kniow of a lingerie shop in Hobart who is very supportive of "us". Lisa's Lacies down in Seaford are great, etc etc.
Check out my profile on CDH and come back to me via messaging and we'll chat more soon.
Caty Ryan.
welcome Matt I'm over in Victoria, we are all going through the same thing here in different ways
Hey Matt,
I love to see new girls on the block, as I am one. I have a somewhat similar stay hidden story, but mine is starting to turn around, and most definitely with the help of this group. I don't sleep much as I cover the whole globe for work, so I am usually available to chat if you would like. Good luck and seriously keep us updated... One of my favorite lyrics from an incredible band is "The journey is more important than the end or the start..."
welcome to CDH Matt 🙂
Samantha x
Welcome Matt,
Hope you find CDH to be a great place to be yourself without judgement.