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So Grateful to Find CDH...or that it Found Me

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New Member     Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

For the longest time, I thought I was fairly different with my crossdressing.  Reading these forum articles and seeing how much alike so many of us are, is something truly special.  I am so deeply grateful I found this place.  I'm in my early 40s, married, kids, living the suburban dream. I live as male, body hair and all, but I shave my head face to be able to wear a wig and makeup.  I have no delusion of being a pretty woman, but that doesn't keep me from feeling pretty when dressed as one.

And no one knows what I secretly long to do, fantasize about doing and get really excited thinking about the next time I can be alone and on a pretty dress, put on a little makeup, and so on.

I started, like so many, sneaking my sister's things.  Being seven years older than me there was more than one slumber party where my sister and her friends would give me a makeover, laughing and squealing with delight at what they imagined was humiliating.  It wasn't until I was bit older that I could admit to myself I rather enjoyed it.  By the time puberty was in full, raging hormone mode, I'd sneak a pair of my sister's panties or a bra, anything "girly".  Eventually, I discovered my mother's secret drawer and a whole new world of lingerie was laid open before me.

As I grew older, I would seek opportunities to raid a friend's hamper, a girlfriend's mother's underwear drawer, even a shared laundry in college, apartments, hotels and I could go on.  The combined thrill of stealing with the idea of trying on another item was too much to resist.  I eventually grew out of that phase...I think.  Now, being able to shop for and choose my preferred clothing with the proper sizes, I find much more appealing, flattering and fun.

Remaining outwardly male, I prefer articles that cover as much of me as possible.  My typical outfit is a simple dress or skirt that goes just below the knee and long sleeves, tights to hide my hairy, but very nicely shaped, legs and a body shaper to hide the dad-bod somewhat.  I've gotten really good at tucking and use my cycling hobby as an excuse to keep the down-under bits closely trimmed.

I didn't think I could write so much, but again, this is such a terrific place it seems.  I'm so happy to be here and look forward to making some new friends and have the opportunity to be open.


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Active Member     New York, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Jacqueline. Great introduction! You are so much like many of us. I too am in my early forties with a younger kid. My wife is totally devoted to our marriage but struggles with my crossdressing. I discovered my love of womens clothes early with my Mom's lingerie drawer. I discovered panties not long after. In college i would dress up intermittently. I once had a beautiful roommate and would dress up in her dresses and hig heels when i could. The past several years i have been dressing up more and more in my own dresses. I have acquired quite a collection of Nicole clothes and makeup. It is great but hard to hide it at times. I recently came out to my wife. She took it hard, but seems ok with it as long as i dont overdo it at work (underdressing). Good luck and welcome.

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Hi, Jacqueline!  Welcome.  We all have our own stories here, but, as one gets to know others, one finds that there are similarities to our stories.  I think you'll find everyone here to be helpful and supportive.

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Welcome Jacqueline! I can't add much to what the other ladies that responded said. It is always a warming experience to read another girl whol lived through the same roller coaster as I did. Still, am, as a matter of fact, since my wife won't know of it... Well, there's always being home alone and cherishing my private, well hidden wardrobe. Makes it all the more exciting! Will I be able to go out on the street as Catarina one day? God knows I wish.

Warm hug, Catarina

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Jacqueline welcome. Isn't is so of  how many experience this much the same way. Grown up loving to  dress and realizing how one ever really  got started . similar in our journeys but all reaching a common  goal to express our femininity. A place like this is so wonderful to find, to interact with same mined souls to connect, learn from and share experiences with. Meet with many of our ladies who understand our passion and will help you in so many ways. Happy to have you with us and looking forward to seeing you here soon.

Stephanie 🌹

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Jacqueline!  That article took courage girl...thank you for sharing. Deep down we are all sisters and share a common goal and accomplish it basically in the same way as every other girl. After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Enjoy our site and chat with us girls anytime....we are here for you sweety.

Dame Veronica

Posts: 271
Reputable Member     Buffalo, New York, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Welcome, Miss Jacqueline and thank you for sharing your story.  One of the most heartwarming aspects of joining this community is discovering that even though we're all different, and we've taken different paths to get here, we're also remarkably similar.  I think that's why we're so willing to open up and share our feelings about our feminine side.

Posts: 1781
Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

Welcome to CDH and all the friends you will find here. Thank you for sharing, you're very open.

Posts: 1293
Noble Member     Long Island,, New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Jacqueline, reading your article was for me walking down memory lane ... I too "borrowed"
my sister's panties and bathing suit. I too found mom's secret drawer with her girdle with garters for the wonderful feeling of nylons on a pre puberty hairless legs... CDH website has been very supportive and the girls here are truly sisters who have helped me in finding the my woman within.... I have find that I can express here on this site my innermost feelings.
Jacqueline, welcome to CDH and I look forward to your next article... Leonara

Posts: 5134
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I am greatful that I found CDH

to help me feel all alone,

and by myself.

I loved reading about the other

women members here.

I am so glad that I joined to be

one of the women here.

I hope to make some cd friends here too.


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