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It feels so good to be back Ladies and I would like to ask you to help with not to run from that sweet, inner lady inside me. I went for a few months and thought she was a thing of my past only to find out that the more I try to ignore her, the more she will get my attention later.
I know that I need to fully embrace her and accept her on all levels and in all respects. If I try to bail later, please remind me that she's always there and she's a part of me. Also that if I try to ignore her, she's going to remind me that she's there in me, wanting to express herself, be acknowledged, appreciated and felt.♥️♥️♥️
"Thank You" so much everyone! As I think about the challenges you have each faced in your own personal journey, I'm so proud of you all. I wish I could give each of you a Hug. I never allowed myself to accept her and now that I have, I don't want to reject her latet...
Hi Happy! So true, once I embraced Michelle as part of me instead of being something to be hidden away, I felt lighter. Every time I get to dress and express her I cannot help but smile. I still have not idea where it will lead but a much happier person for starting this journey. So glad you are here and hope to hear more of your story! hugs, Michelle
Welcome aboard Happyin my silks. If there is anything you need....I am here for you....
Dame Veronica
You are not alone!
I (Laura) had enough, and embraced my man. I told him I love him for who he is, and to stop being so silly, beating himself up about me, when he knows he loves me.
Acquiring the name really helped - it was probably the trigger, as it stopped me being simply a fantasy lady. Ironically, it was his wife who gave me the name - and I love her so much that I want her as my wife too!
On the few occasions I've met and talked to her, she shows very mixed emotions - but each time seems to feel more comfortable with me, knowing I am also her husband - and we both love her more each time I interact with her.
Honestly, I feel like bursting out and staying as Laura forever - but she did not marry me, she married a man with a secret he felt he had to keep forever. Either that or lose her forever.
He did not know that I am too strong for that, and I get stronger all the time - but it is a gentle, loving, feminine strength, which his wife recognises and hopefully is beginning to accept.
This is where I am on my journey, and I wish you all the best on yours. I am sure your inner lady is full of feminine strength too - let her guide you gently.
hi hun. I have said this before, and I shall say this yet again! cross dressing never leaves you! it is part of you. the longer you go without and try to resist, the stronger the feelings come back. think of it like trying to quit smoking. the pangs and urges get too much and most of us relent, only cross dressing isn't as harmful! let that beautiful lady inside you out and feel free. enjoy your journey to the full.
love fiona xxx
Thank you for your kind words and replies!! I love you all!! I am taking the day to just let my slip hang around my waist, my bra re ind me of who I am and learning from all of YOU!! Icsn be at peace with myself and the issues I had tried to dismiss before, year after year...now shrsh part of me, part of my true identify, from when I first wake up in the morning until rven after I'm fast asleep and she is speaking to me in our dreams. I can quit resisting, I can be in the feminine moment, I can be truly happy!! I love you all!! Thank you for this!!