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So here I am. The solid stone closet I have been hiding in for so long has been dismantled. Pretty much all that remains is the door itself and half of one wall. As a result I have begun to venture out more boldly as at least a femme guy. I wear my little miniskirts-sans undies- when I drive, visit the local adult shop, and on night walks in the local parks. Each day the need to go further grows stronger and stronger. I cannot stop buying minis and even dresses. Yesterday I bought a pair of patterned stockings to wear with my new little black dress. The only thing holding me back is a wig...and a shave. My dream is to dress to the nines and go out to dinner. I have also decided that my final coming out to friends will be fully dressed as a woman.
If I were twenty years younger I would seriously give a full transition to womanhood consideration. Still, lately I have begun to entertain the thought of at least having breast enhancements done. The thought of having my own breasts is incredibly powerful. My only problem is that I worry that as a 'woman' I will not be able to attract the same level of attention and desire from other men the way being a bear does for me now. Then of course there is the lingering attraction to women's amazing bodies. Some days I just wish I could be 'normal'...then I put on my mini! sigh.
I hear ya my love!
Jemma, being closeted and hiding certainly does stirr many of the emotions will feel. Never feel nervous about who you feel you’ll wanted to be here with us all. Many here are in the same way and have in time learned that there’s nothing to be worry about. The girls here are wonderful in making one feel most comfortable and welcome. The support is always felt and help to better understand and deal with this amazing time. Chat with and with some make beautiful friendships . Your not alone and here express yourself with pride and confinance to explore further in this wonderful world. Happy to meet you and hope to see you around here soon. Welcome
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome, this has a been a great place for me to become more accepting of my femme self.Now I am much more comfortable with "Amy" in my life than I was 6 or 7 months ago.
One of the things you mention is shaving, I am presuming that you have a beard or similar. Well, I did too, and that was one of the biggest hurdles for me to cross so that I could start to look the part. What helped me think through that, was it is only hair, which grows all the time, so if I decide that I really don't like being clean shaven, the problem will solve itself in a few weeks. But I became very comfortable with my new look, even in guy mode.
Welcome Jemma!
thank you michelle! just love to be addressed as jemma!
So...now clean shaven face, new wig and yesterday...wait for it...i bought my first boobs! Sitting at home in one of the wife's old bras filled with my very squeezable, very real feeling, boobs is simply amazing. After a long week of doubt and questioning, I gave in and now my inner Jemma wants more.
I have to go on a short trip to DC this week and I have decided that would be the safest, easiest way to make my first public foray as Jemma. I have bought a white blouse and a light black jacket that will look nice and businesslike along with my 'older women' wig and new boobs. I am looking for a nice pair of sunglasses and a bracelet to add and have begun to practice my makeup. Most people will only see my upper half so it is an easy way to spend a few hours as Jemma in public. If...and that's a very big if...I feel strong enough and put together enough, I will try a rest stop if i need to. Probably not.
My good friends at the local adult store are anxious to see me all dressed up so I may stop by there to see what they think and take any tips. If this trip goes well, I will begin the full shaving/waxing move. I wish I knew someone I could meet in DC for lunch or a walk in the park or something. Anyway, fingers crossed! Jemma is so gonna rock the interstate at least!!
Hi Jemma,
Welcome from the UK. A lot of what you say will ring true to many of us and we have shared your struggles. There is lots of friendship and support here. I look forward to meeting you around the site.
Jessica x
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You'll I've the boobs. The feel the bounce and of course the more feminine look. Women's clothes are made to make boobs look good. I have B and C cup. I love them both. The outfit dictates the cup size.
Amanda Dubois 😀X