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just want to find friends to talk to. nothing like winning a bid on ebay and having delivered makes me so hot . Taken trips to supermarkets and buying female stuff gives you such a vibe. having brought some expensive stockings . Just to get home and try them on ,what a buzz . but i always get let down by make up cant figure it out im your typical tv clown when it comes to that wish i could get lessons
Hi Kerry, And welcome to CDH! This is a great place to find support and friendship! Please check out the articles and read the forums there is some sage lessons to learn through the writings of our community. Makeup can be a difficult thing for many of us since it is a new skill that we need lots of practice to develop. Try checking out some youtube videos of how to apply makeup they really can help at least learn the basics.
thanks hon have tried youtube before but makeup round the eyes reallys f's me up just scared im go
ner blind myself
Hi Kerry!
Welcome to the CDH. I joined just about 5 weeks ago, and it is a great place.
About makeup, have you ever seen a little girl try to use makeup for the first time? It is about the same for us. I don’t think that anybody has done their makeup for the dirst time ever and think that they did a great job. It requires practice, and more practice.
While it is true that our eyes are very delicate, just be careful. Millions upon millions of people wears eyeliner and mascara on the daily basis and I don’t think I have ever heard of anybody hurting themselves while applying them. Also, eyeliner can be applied in different ways. Pencils, felt-tip applicators, brushes for liquid or powders, so, one will be easier to do than the others.
In any case, let us know if we can help ok?
you looked amazing in your photo's
Totally get that, Kerry! Masacara and I are not the best of friends!
Yeah I did the old mascara on the eyeball trick just the other day. Only burns for a minute. Rule number one...don't get in a hurry.
Hi Kerry,
If you watch YouTube videos they do make it look so easy. One sweep of a brush and perfect eye-liner results. The reality is a lot of practice!
Use both a normal and a magnifying mirror and in bright lighting so you can see what you are doing. Take your time. Slow and careful precision is what you want. Remember that millions of people apply makeup every day without a problem, so there is no reason why you can't do so! The worst that is likely to happen is an accidental prod in the eye but that will recover quickly.
On the eye health side, keep any tools clean. Bacteria can build up in makeup over time. I've seen recommendations for throwing mascara out after a few months. I also clean the makeup off each eye separately to avoid any cross contamination. Never use saliva on a finger tip to clean around the eye! Store makeup somewhere cool, if you are doing this in secret hiding makeup behind a hot water tank is not a good idea 🙂
Practice, practice, practice. And have fun!
Hi Kerry. Make-up is one of the toughest things you'll go thru. Lucille Sorrella offers a video course that I took and it is very helpful. Most of the larger make-up companies offer video tutorials for free on their web-sites. Try L'Oreal Paris, Cover Girl, Revlon, Max Factor for same. Again, it is a thing of practice, practice, practice. A good make up mirror goes a long way. It has proper bulbs for lighting and offer mutliple mirrors for views of how you are doing. Amazon offers them for sale...do not go cheap......about a hundred dollars will get you a great unit....they are worth it.
PS. Welcome to the sisterhood of CDH. Look forward to hearing more from you.
Dame Veronica