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Hello ,my name is Cindy from Dunedin ,New Zealand.. I;m so excited to be here!!!
Please chat with me 😉
Hi how ar you welcome sister we can talk.
Cindy. A pleasure. Longlegs? Well, we know one of your strengths? New lingerie lover? And one of your passions. There really is nothing that stirs the soul like lingerie.
- Hey a fellow New Zealander here from Christchurch
Hello and welcome!
Welcome Cindy!
Cindy, A big hello from Canada. I’m so happy you join our little but growing family. So much to see and do with many wonderful gals all here to help and support you through this amazing time. Be active ,visit our chat room and talk to many of our members. Learn from or offer advice there’s everything here. Happy to welcome you and yes hope to hear from you soon .
Stephanie 🌹
A big hello from Texas Cindy!!!!
Glad you are here! 💋Lilly
Hello Stephanie 🙂
Thank you so much for your message!
It is exciting to be here, and so good to be getting welcome messages ! I feel aroused!
I just ordered this.. What do you think ???
Oh yes heehe I have very long slim legs... and yes i do adore lingerie.. it really excites me !!!!
Thanks MIchelle xx
Hello Lilly !! I am so excited to be here... Thank you xx
oh nice someone from New Zealand ! 🙂
Hi Cindy, greetings from Washington, the state. Also love lingerie, as well. Check out the forums, the groups and the chat.
Very pretty, girl. Be fun for a bunch of us to get it and grab a group photo. Very sexy!