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First off, I'd like to say that I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to post in this forum. Life gets in the way sometimes. I'm very new to all of this and ready to learn about the part of me I discovered as Matilda. I'm really glad I found this place.
After a few years in the military trying to find myself, I still didn't know who I was. I was always comfortable in my body, but not always comfortable in my clothes. I tried many different avenues to damper my curiosity but I was never satisfied. I finally got the courage to seek out a part of me I had denied for so long.
Matilda is someone I can be every now and then to escape from the world and exercise my femininity. I hope it's not offensive to anyone here if I choose to dress only every now and then. I do know that I'd like to learn how to do my own makeup and I do need help choosing a style and determining my sizes for clothes.
I do have a girlfriend that is open minded, but I haven't had the courage to tell her just yet. My close friend since the beginning of high school does know that I want to dress and is supportive, but as busy as life gets, she's not always available to talk to. I plan on finding time once a week to sit down and write what I'm feeling as Matilda and hope to do that very soon.
Everyone here has been so kind and supportive and I hope to learn so much from you all and help in any way I can. Thank you ladies so much!
Welcome, Matilda, glad to see another new person here!
Hey, Matilda! You know I've got your back, right? Here if ya need me? Sounding board? Friendly ear? Not a cannibal? That's me.
Matilda....welcome to our on-line portion! I understand how busy one can get in this world. Just remember...don't get too busy to care for family and friends....and yourself. I am ex military too, and I do understand the busy part. If and when you need advice.....I am always available to you or just to chat. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Till then.......
Welcome hun! So thoughtful of others I can tell. Here though we are all different with similarities. Each one of us has are own frequencies and we want you here as you are!
Welcome Matilda to CHD.
We are here for you.
Hello Matilda. Doesn't matter how often you dress, for all us girls have different ways. Welcome, darling.