Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi there! I'm new to CD heaven.... to avoid repeating myself, check out my Profile and my story in the Personal Stories forum!
Emma, welcome. Yes I've read it, sounds just wonderful. Such and experience checking in a hotel in drab only to emerge out for a few fabulous days fully dressed. It's was 5 days of bliss for me last March when attending keystone, A conference held in Harrisburg PA. What an amazing experience. Happy that you joined here with us. There’s much here for you to discover . Get comfortable and explore all that we have here and meet some wonderful girls just like you enjoying their feminine feelings felt deep inside. Very nice meeting you
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Emma,
Hello from the UK, it is really nice to meet you. I have found CDH a wonderful place and I have made friends from all over the world. I am happy to chat anytime and I look forward to seeing you around.
Jessica x.
Welcome Emma!
Hi, Emma. It’s nice to see another late bloomer cd. I started in my late fifties. My wife knows but no one else and I have yet to go out in public. You will find many friends here and support.
My wife would freak out... no question, but I love her to death and hope I don't jeopardise our relationship should she find out. Stealth mode!
Hello Emma !
Welcome to CDH
Hi Emma and welcome to CDH!
Great place with a lot of great ladies! I'm your age, have been dressing since a young boy, but like you when I hit late 50's, 60 I said "screw it", I'm dressing!
I sort of take a half & half approach. I dress in "Hybrid mode". Any jeans I wear out or otherwise, are ladies jeans, wear panties every weekend, sometimes to work, womens shoes (flats), and that is how I go out! It feels soo good!
I also wear cammies, and shop regularly for gurl clothes.
So welcome, glad you are here and hope to hear more from you!
Love and Hugs,
Welcome Emma from another late starter, I certainly hope you get as much enjoyment as I have from CDH.