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Well! Who would have thought..

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Eminent Member     Perthshire, Angus, United Kingdom
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For a trans-woman with a weakness for exquisite dresses, silk lingerie and a classic high heel, feminism need not rest merely on equality. It was the goal of female emancipation that made feminists of many of us. Every woman has her own unique vision of emancipation but I never imagined it involving any notion of equality and, for whatever reason, I always assumed I would be wearing a dress at the time. An extension of the breeze, a dress captures its exhilarating puffs within skirts whose modest veils leave only the flimsiest of obstacles to extemporaneous sex. According to Harvard professor, Marjorie Garber, "There can be no culture without the transvestite." Few things are more inspiring than being a transvestite. From lingerie to make up, a sissy is both muse and artist. If Ms. Garber is correct, the truth and beauty of being a transvestite is the art this world needs and a task to which every sissy is doing her bit. The heightened arousal of transvestite life is the embarkation of an odyssey that is, at once, intelligent, beguiling and utterly erotic. The expression of that odyssey is what this amateur artist and apprentice woman seeks to bring to a world that might benefit immeasurably from at least one opportunity to try on a full-length, pure silk, empire-line, nightdress.

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<p style="text-align: left;">You took my breath away....all of it. “...The heightened arousal of transvestite life...”. This separates the CD from the TG.</p>
i sooo love it


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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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Francine welcome. Trying to understand our own true being is such a difficult task for most cders. As said each woman has unique vision of emancipation and we're trying to understand where we might fit in. Thank you for sharing.

Stephanie 🌹

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Famed Member     Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
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Welcome Francine!

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Welcome Francine,

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Hi Francine , that's quite an interesting & extremely articulate introduction , I'm sure it'll generate some interest , enjoy your time on CDH 😊 Tiff

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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Hi Francine !

Welcome to CDH !



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I love the concept of artistry regarding cross dressing. With by background in theatre, I can certainly understand the exquisite performance aspect in the art of portraying someone other than ones self. But I never really thought of myself as performing, Rather, I’ve always felt I’m living my true self. Nevertheless, there is an element of performance in all of us whenever we are out in public regardless of our gender, or even when there is an audience of one, ourselves.  For me, the difference is living the reality instead of acting the reality. Learning to walk and speak as a lady is a performance, but feeling feminine is a reality. That may seem to be splitting hairs, but I can’t help but feel it’s an essential difference for me, and I suspect it’s true for most here. I work hard to perfect my presentation as art. I also work hard in reconciling male and female personas for myself. If either effort inspires society or furthers creativity in the world, I’m happy to do my part. Thank you for a thoughtful and erudite analysis.


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