Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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I am Charmagne, and I wish I had found this community sooner, but the important thing is, I found it.
I began crossdressing in the early 1990’s when my wife had a pert time job doing home lingerie parties. I was captivated. Even back then, more and more women had been shunning their femininity to become bitchy and bossy and controlling like men. Trying on lacy and elegant pieces was uplifting. My wife sorta rolled her eyes, but let me explore. She was pregnant with our youngest child at the time and had lost her affinity for dressing sexy for me. I felt motivated to pick up the slack.
But when our baby was born, life got more busy. And our other two children were almost school age and I didn’t want to risk them ever seeing me in lingerie. So I gave it up...forever, I thought. But I missed it and often fantasized about being a beautiful starlet or princess. It was a pain I carried around, especially as true femininity disappeared from the USA.
Years later my wife got very sick and paralyzed and could no longer live at home. Earlier this year the last of my children left the nest, giving me a privacy I never had before. Then shortly after, I had a close brush with death. I realized that life was short and that I needed to pursue my dreams and fantasies while I still could.
Suddenly, I was shopping for sexy lingerie, pantyhose and underwear online. And dressing in the privacy of home every night after lights out. I can’t describe how happy it has made me. I feel beautiful, and sexy, and complete. I’ve shaved the manly hair that was beginning to disgust me, and am rediscovering my body and it’s natural beauty.
I came out as a CD to my youngest daughter recently. Because if something were to happen to me at home, she’d probably be the one to find me since she lives the closest. And I wouldn’t be dressed the way she’d expect. She was wonderful about it, gave me a big hug and told me everything was cool. I even modeled my favorite cami/shorts set with pantyhose. She smiled and said my legs go on forever. I trust her with my life...and my secret.
The online shopping became a bit of an addiction, but I’ve adjusted to keep it reasonable. I recently got my first breast forms, my first set of heels, and thanks to this amazing website have discovered that wigs are more affordable than I first thought. Soon I’ll be entering the world of makeup, and I honestly believe that by this time next year, I’ll be passable outside these four walls as Charmagne.
Thank you for welcoming me into this beautiful community. I could never come out like this on Facebook. That’s such a vile and hateful medium. Crossdresser Heaven is very aptly named. I look forward to sharing my dreams come true with my new friends here. And I enjoy reading yours so much. I may live alone, but I’m not alone.
A hearty welcome to you, Charmagne
Welcome Charmagne
This IS the best site ever for us. .
Gave up dressing. Forever. That's funny right there. Lol. We've all been there. Can't be done..
Your going to love it here and will be amazed at how many of us are out there and very similar pasts and experiances. Enjoy your journey. All the best Mikayla
Charmagne welcome. This is a beautiful place one you will find and make wonderful friendships at. there's much that can be learned here from makeup, to dressing and accessories, to everything in helping us be who we always wanted to be, that lady we feel inside. Thank you for reaching out and becoming a friend to me. I enjoy making such friendship and cherish everyone of them. That's what makes this such the place that is .very happy to meet you and looking forward to seeing you here.
Stephanie 🌹
Thanks so much for the background!
Welcome, Charmagne!
Looks like you joined just a few days before I did. Thank you for sharing your story with us. It is this type of thing that allows us to start bonding with each other, and move from being just another name in cyberspace to getting to the start of a friendship.
Hi Charmagne, Its a delightful honest story and thank you for sharing it with us. I know you're not new here, I've seen plenty of your comments and replies which i dred helps makes this site a wonderful place to share, learn and grow together. Cheers and love to a good person, You!
What a lovely, inspiring story - thank you.
This site is indeed a wonderful travelling companion on the coming out journey!
hi charmagne. what a great story, a sad beginning but at least it has a happy ending. cdh is just that, heaven, when all around you is disjointed and prejudiced in many parts of this world. here you can be rest assured you will be treated how you should be, with respect, love and compassion. i'm so pleased to hear you are starting with make up. I hope you have more success than me! cross dressing is all about finding new ways, new paths, experimentation and fine tuning. it takes time, but hey! it sure is worth every second! totally agree with comment about facebook, I too would never, ever, ever come out on there.
take care! love and kisses, fiona xxx
Thank you, my CDH sisters for bringing this thread back to life. Coming up on two months since I posted this, and I can’t imagine a day without at least one visit to check out the forums and the new photos. I haven’t uploaded any pics for a while, but I’ll try to get a couple more up. I’m really excited about the prospect of a full head to toe shot. Just gotta deal with this scary face of mine. I have a lot of homework to do, but a close lady friend has offered to spend an afternoon with me over the holidays to help me with the basics. I can’t wait, because I want to share CharChar with you, so that you can see in my eyes how happy I am. Love and hugs.
Welcome Charmagne,
I echo your sentiments. I recently came to recognize the girl inside and began to express her. This site has helped me through this process. It is wonderful to belong and be one of the girls. I love seeing other pictures and their stores of triumph or dealing with their challenges.
I'm so happy be here with everyone.
Enjoy the community!