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Well here we go…I grew up in hell. Literally. My friend’s parents and my teachers raised me. My Bio mother was a druggie and alcoholic. My adopted father was amazing, but he left when I was younger, and I don’t blame him. Sadly he’s passed. I’ve had some failed marriages. Something was always missing, and I never honestly fully trusted them. Honestly, while I was married, I lived most of my life alone. Occupation of x souses and me being in the military was why.
If you ever had that moment in your life where past experiences suddenly made sense to you…then you experienced what I did when I met my CD heterosexual boyfriend. It’s like finding a missing piece to a puzzle!
I grew up in the Bible Belt (primarily) where nothing was tolerated. Yet, every year at our school from middle school up, we had cross dressing events/fund raisers. In fact they still do!! Every year book, has photos of friends cross dressing on stage in our school auditorium!
You have to understand, I am not the typical person, I don’t fit into any “social group”. I’ve been told this all my life, and it’s true. My perspective on things has never lined up with anyone, until I met my boyfriend. It’s almost uncanny at times.
I am very open minded, as he would tell you. I listen, think and consider every prospective. Which is what I did when we discussed this site. Truthfully, I was dead set against it, because while I trust him 110% I don’t trust other people and their intentions. I would walk through fire to protect him (not that he needs it; he’s perfectly capable of protecting himself) it’s just my nature.
The other main concern I had is like him, I am not ready for the sacrifice of my friends and family. I know I will loose some when they do find out my boyfriend CD. I know it’s simple ignorance, but I didn’t find my family until later in life, and so that is precious to me just as it is for him. The one difference is, my workplace would be 100% accepting. Which is cool.
I am a cross I guess between girly and a tomboy. My CD boyfriend has more women’s clothes and makeup than I do! Lol 😂 which I ❤️🔥
Thank you for reading my intro, I appreciate the warm welcomes from the community to myself and my CD boyfriend. 💕
Hi Angelica,
Welcome to CDH!
Angelica -
Thank you for a lovely and detailed intro. Welcome to CDH. You will find this a great community to be able to share your thoughts. I hope your CD partner has, or will, join as well. Be sure to check out the forums and articles. There is a forum specifically for significant others that you should look at as well.
I agree with all the above answers it is very safe here and all are so friendly.
Hi Angelica, thank you for such an honest and open introduction.
Sometimes life takes some nasty twists and turns and wander aimlessly until you get that epiphany when you find the real self, the true you and the happiness that follows.
But still there may have to be some sacrifices to maintain and progress this new life but doesn't there come a point where it is you that is the most important person now and,regardless of what others might think or how they react it is your turn to be happy.
I hope you and your boyfriend have a long and happy relationship.
Hi Angelica and girl its wonderful you found and joined us here as you have a lot of knowledge here to read about .. You can join in anytime and ask many questions of all of us here we all love to chat and help answer any questions that are asked here.. Have fun girl and enjoy everything here we have to offer in the lines of support we can give ..
Stephanie Bass