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wow, I haven't checked this thread for a while - you ladies have been busy chatting! going to check out the links mentioned and see what's up. Glad to know about more of you in Chicago area!
I'm in the western suburbs of Chicago. I am out in public all the time dressed as April. Rori's T-party I have attended a few times. The ladies there are great and much fun. No longer do I no longer regularly attend Rori's especially in the summer when there is a band on Thursday nights and parking in the area is IMPOSSIBLE.
If you are looking for an evening out with the ladies(and inexpensive) Rori's outing is a fine place to attend. It is actually at a piano bar right in downtown Arlington Heights.
Hello all, sadly I’m about 5 months late to this party, but wanted to chime in. Although I am very much in the closet with everyone, lol. I plan on attending Roris party in January. I’ve never left my house, I’m crap with make up, but January is my one time option and I keep telling myself “go for it!”
I’d love to know if anyone else is planning on making it in January
hugs and 💋💋💋
I would love to go there with you. I have been to Roris Tparty a couple of times and it is always a lot of fun.
Hey vespa
I've been in your neck of the woods lol
A lot
I go to the state park and fish while my wife goes antiquing
There is a hot dog stand by Walmart
We go there all the time
That a bit of a drive to roris for you
Yeah I am certinly out there and yes fishing is fun out here at the state park by me. Driving out to the T party is so worth it to be surrounded by like minded people. I just wish work would not prevent me from going due to schedualing.
@my problem is my wife doesn't like me crossdressing
Next time I'm in Plano I will let you know maybe we could meet up at the state park and fish
I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas
Hey Chicago ladies
Anyone interested in going to the fishing show at the Schaumburg convention center this weekend it would be in regular clothes
I'm open for Saturday or Sunday
Hello Chicago ladies
Last Saturday I had a an opportunity to go transformation by roris what a wonderful time I had a bought a new wig
The ladies helped me out with breast forms and a bra I bought some stockings as well
For me going to roris was a very memorable experience
I drove home with the wig on the brest forms and a dress on
As we al know sometimes we can't explain are emotional state of mind
For the first time in how many years I felt so confident in female clothes it's becoming more and more easier to accept my feminity
I haven't felt this happy in so many years
Feeling feminine has been incredibly euphoric
My resentment towards my wife is going away and being intimate with my wife is awesome
I just wish I could go to roris more often