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Hello Seattle Girls!
I'll be visiting Seattle next week and am looking for advice on where to go to meet up with friends. I'm told the Capitol Hill area has several CD/TG friendly nite spots ... any recommendations? Any advice is appreciated!
Hi Felicia. Try to contact TranSpace at 10522 Lake City Way NE C203, Seattle, WA. They are nice and they can help you.
I was in Seattle a year ago. The whole city is very accepting. You'll see queer people everywhere. Spent a fair bit of time in Cap Hill. It's the LGBTQ epicenter for the city. Lots of bars and clubs are popular with trans girls. Check out Queer/Bar and Wildrose.
Dear Liz,
Thank you for your reply! Yes, I've seen other recommendations for the Capitol Hill area. As I'm only in Seattle overnight I'm trying to make the best use of a free 18 hours, so am looking to stay and go out in that area. I'll definitely check out Queer/Bar and Wildrose.
Also, I'm in San Diego frequently, perhaps we can meet up there sometime!
A follow up ... we went to Tavern Law, a nice little bar at 1406 12th Avenue. My date is very straight presenting, I was very dressed (black velvet thigh length dress and heels) and we were treated well. It was a wonderful night!