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Hey ladies,
So last night, I was talking to one of my cisgender female friends about my life as Jayla, now I have to ask you girls; am I really a trans woman/ transsexual or is it ‘just a phase’?
So I’ve been a crossdresser for nearly 10 years. I’m currently 24 years old. I stopped crossdressing for a while at around 13-14 and managed to fight the urge for 9 years until I couldn’t fight the urge to dress up anymore. Now all I can think about is being a woman.
I’m contemplating starting HRT to make the ‘voice in the back if my head’ go away, but at the same time, I’m not really sure if I should do it or not. Since once its done, its’s done, I don’t wanna do it and regret it later in life but at the same time, if I don’t do it I’ll never be truly happy in my own body.
Also, I’m not sure if it’s my male hormones kicking in but even though I’m a crossdresser and I’m still a straight man when it comes to my attractions (I’m still attracted to women). But sometimes when I see a woman, instead of falling in love, I get a massive stomach ache because my body is ‘jealous’ in a way of the cis women I see, if that makes sense.
I do believe I am a woman on the inside, and I love dressing up, and I do want to transition, but after talking to my friend, she put doubt in my head. So I turn to y’all, Should I let Jayla out? Or should I just stick to crossdressing and never know what coulda been if I was an actual girl?
- Jayla 💖💖
Hi Jayla, that is a big question. I'm trying to answer it myself I do consider myself transgender, but not transexual, if that makes sense. I've only been dressing for 3.5 months but I do dress 24/7 and Trisha has truly taken over my head. Personal I'm living like this for a while to see how I feel.
This article helped me. https://www.crossdresserheaven.com/category/transgender/am-i-transsexual/
Love Trish
Trisha, you are a lovely woman and I believe your life will just keep getting better.
That is only a question you can truly answer Jayla. Your circumstances are unique to you. Fully transitioning will affect every aspect of your daily life. Family friends work neighbours strangers. I’m sure you would meet wonderful acceptance from some quarters, but perhaps less positive experiences from others.
Its all a balance between the joy of being who you really feel you are, and potential hardships ahead, psychologically, emotionally and physically. Again only you will be able to weigh these up in your daily life.
perhaps see a therapist qualified in these matters can help.
Good luck and best wishes.
-- Really a transwoman/transsexual-- ?? What's Your definition of a Real transsexual ?? - How far you want to change is something that will wax & wane over time--Part of the problem/Confusion for many men is they are actually Afraid of the whole ideal of being seen as Gay-- Plus--being ""Male"" has many advantages in life--I'm About twice your age & I regret Not doing it when younger-- I think it would have been easier at at younger age but have no ideal how much it would have changed my live(Positive or Negative) over the long haul-- The things I would have missed out on (like having children) OR possibly living without so many doubts & fears & a long happy life as a female--Often the choices we make on the spur of the moment are the Best ever--Or the worst even--When in High school your asked to choose what you want to be--You make a choice--you might change your mind part way through-- But Not choosing will most likely be the Wrong choice--You sound not even sure of your sexual orientation -Straight/Bi or gay--I accepted I was Bi & it covered everything-- but now I'm more interested in men when ""dressed"" I wish I had of explored that More when I was your age though--""Mabe" you need to figure out Why your "Supposedly"" straight--(Only) -Is it somehow Fear (of others reactions/being Different) or is it natural To you? Because of societal pressures we can fool ourselves quite easily --- To me--sex is Sex-man/woman or in between--It all feels good-I'd say--Experiment just like you would with Foods-- But-Taste the foods more that once before you decide weather your going to eat them in the future-
I am a confused lady who ceossdesses all the time wishing to be a permanent woman
Thank you honey, just need to get over my current mild blues.
Hi, Jayla.
Your question is difficult to answer. On the one hand you exhibit an uncertainty where most persons who wish to fully transition are pretty adamant on the topic and often from an early age. On the other hand you do suggest symptoms associated with what is called Gender Dysphoria.
That is a bit of a misnomer as it is not the gender that creates the depression, self-hatred, and other pathologies. It is the fact that people will not accept that gender because your anatomy does not, in their view, 'match' your self.
This is why therapy is essential and also to find a therapist who really knows about these things. At least one who fundamentally understands and is guide by Benjamin's Standards of Care.
To what degree are you living en femme now?
I struggle with these kinds of things every day, but I am totally settled into my man's life and the one thing I do know for certain is that nothing is worth sacrificing what I have.
HOWEVER, I can't help but wonder where I would have been happiest in terms of gender expression. The most frustrating part about being where many of us here are is uncertainty. A part of me is envious of trans women who always know. No matter how accepting society may become this is inherently difficult. There's no quick and easy way to figure out where you stand. With sexuality you can download Grindr, find a guy and see how much you like that. With gender you have to buy a lot, do a lot, even change your appearance in ways that will be noticeable in drab. It's nothing to dabble in.
Before anything else important gets in the way, try it as much as you can before coming to any conclusions. What is my ideal state? I will probably never know. I know that not only am I double attracted to women, but when I even see young girls I think about how much I wanted to wear what they wear, have hair like them, and do what they were doing, just BE one of them when I was their age even as I also lusted for them in a distinctly male way. I also know that were I ever to lose my wife it wouldn't be long until I figured this out.
The focus on trans people is not really beneficial for most of us questioning. There is no reason why any of us need to fit into such extremes and the world is getting more accepting of those who don't, so just stop thinking about that and start getting as femme as you feel, no matter where that reaches its conclusion.
Hearts and rainbows,